Robotics Engineering (MS)

Program of Study

Area 1 Required: 21 Credit Hours
Take the following foundational courses
ENGR 5151GComputer Vision 13
ENGR 5161GElements of Machine Intelligence3
ENGR 5176GKinematics and Dynamics3
ENGR 5236GMicroelectronic Circuits3
ENGR 5238GIntroduction to Embedded Systems3
Take two additional courses from the following list to accumulate 21 credit hours in Area 1. 6
If any of the above foundational courses were taken as undergraduate courses (U version) in the undergraduate program of study, substitute graduate level ENGR, CPSC, or MATH courses.
Any 5000+ ENGR/CPSC/MATH class with advisor approval
Area 1 Total21
Area 2 Required: 9 Credit Hours
Must complete one of the options below.
Thesis Option
Thesis Defense
Thesis Research (Repeat to complete a total of 9 hours)
Nonthesis Option
Take the following course for a total of 6 hours
Graduate Research Project
Choose one of the following courses that is not applied in Area 1:
Any 5000+ ENGR/CPSC/MATH class with advisor approval
Area 2 Total9
Total Credit Hours30

Admission Requirements

In addition to the Columbus State University Graduate School Admissions requirements, the applicants must submit copies of their transcripts, CV (outlining applicant’s education, work experiences, special activities and awards), and a statement of purpose (~2 pages).  The minimum entry requirement to the program is a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Physics, or a suitably related field. A minimum CGPA of 3.0/4.0 is required for the Bachelor’s degree completed.

Students may also submit (as optional materials) recommendation letters from persons familiar with the applicant’s academic or professional experience and the verbal and quantitative parts of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) taken in the last five years.