Special Education (MEd)

Program of Study

Area 1 Professional Core
SPED 6265Advanced Assessment of Exceptional Children and Youth3
SPED 6125Managing Students with Behavioral Problems3
SPED 7125Special Education Law3
Area 1 Total9
Area 2 Research Core
SPED 6155Practical Applications of Single Subject Design Research 3
EDUF 6116Educational Research Methods3
Area 2 Total6
Area 3 Concentration15
Select one of the concentrations below:
Special Education General Curriculum
Nature and Characteristics of Students with Mild and Moderate Disabilities
Advanced Classroom Collaboration in Education
Trends and Issues in Special Education
Educating Students with Mild and Moderate Disabilities
Assistive Technology for Exceptional Learners
Teaching Exceptional Learners
Autism Concentration (includes Autism Endorsement)
History and Characteristics of Individuals with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in School Settings
Assessment and Diagnosis of Individuals with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
Teaching Students with Mild and Moderate Disabilities
Applied Behavior Analysis
Reading and Dyslexia Concentration (includes Reading and Dyslexia Endorsements)
History and Characteristics of Individuals with Dyslexia and Other Learning Disabilities
Assessment and intervention of Individuals with Dyslexia and Other Learning Disabilities
Psychology of Reading: Understanding Readers and the Reading Process
Literacy Curriculum and Instruction in Today’s P-12 Schools
Literacy Assessment and Effective Curriculum and Instruction
Area 3 Total15
Total Credit Hours30

Admission Requirements

  • Minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 (regular admission) or 2.50 (provisional admission) on all undergraduate work at an accredited United States institution in fulfillment of the requirements for a baccalaureate degree
  • A clear renewable teaching license or documentation of eligibility for certification (approved program completion and applicable licensure exam scores)
  • The successful applicant must not have a criminal record or discharge from the armed services that would prevent recommendation for related teacher certifications

Additional Program Requirements

  • Students must earn a 3.0 GPA calculated on all graduate work attempted. "Academic Forgiveness" policy does not apply to graduate studies
  • Students cannot graduate with a grade of "C" or below in more than two (2) graduate courses
  • A minimum of 27 hours of the hours required for the degree must be earned in residence (75%). Asynchronous (online) and distance learning courses administered through Columbus State University constitute courses taken in residence
  • A maximum of nine (9) semester hours of transfer credit or courses taken at CSU prior to full admission to a masters degree program may be applied toward the degree. Courses with earned grades of "C" or below cannot be transferred. The student’s advisor and the coordinator of the program in which the student is enrolled must approve any courses transferred
  • All degree requirements must be completed within seven (7) years of first enrollment