Special Education (MAT) - General Curriculum

Program of Study

Area 1 - Program Content
Foundations of Reading, Literacy, and Language
Educational Research Methods
Nature and Characteristics of Students with Mild and Moderate Disabilities
Advanced Assessment of Exceptional Children and Youth
Psychology of Reading: Understanding Readers and the Reading Process
Reading Methods for Elementary and Special Education
Educating Students with Mild and Moderate Disabilities
Area 1 Total21
Area 2 - Concentration
Choose one of the concentrations below:
Autism Concentration
History and Characteristics of Individuals with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in School Settings
Assessment and Diagnosis of Individuals with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
Dyslexia Concentration
Managing Students with Behavioral Problems
History and Characteristics of Individuals with Dyslexia and Other Learning Disabilities
Assessment and intervention of Individuals with Dyslexia and Other Learning Disabilities
General Curriculum Concentration
Managing Students with Behavioral Problems
Choose 6 hours of electives from the following:
Developing Mathematical Thinking in the Elementary Classroom
Developing Scientific Thinking in Young Children
Elementary Social Studies Education
Teaching Composition in Grades 4-12
Teaching English Language Arts in Grades 4-12
Teaching Social Studies in Grades 4-12
Methods in Teaching Middle and Secondary Mathematics
Methods of Teaching Middle and Secondary Science
Area 2 Total9
Area 3 - Practices of Education
Teaching Internship (3 hours)
M.Ed. Exit Examination
Area 3 Total3
Total Credit Hours33

Program Admission Requirements

  • A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 (regular admission) or 2.50 (provisional admission) on all undergraduate work at an accredited United States institution in fulfillment of the requirements for a baccalaureate degree.
  • Statement of Professional Interest and Goals
  • Resume

Teacher Education Admission Requirements

  • Candidates must apply for Teacher Education during their first semester, after being admitted and starting classes.
  • Admission to Teacher Education is completed through TK20. Candidates must have been admitted into the university and registered for courses at least two weeks before purchasing TK20. Information on Tk20 is located at: https://www.columbusstate.edu/education-and-health-professions/tk20.php
  • Candidates must meet all requirements for admission to Teacher Education during their first semester of enrollment in the MAT program. For a list of requirements visit https://cqtl.columbusstate.edu/teacher-education.php

Additional Program Requirements

  • Students must earn a 3.0 GPA calculated on all graduate work attempted. "Academic Forgiveness" policy does not apply to graduate studies
  • Students cannot graduate with a grade of "C" in more than two (2) courses 
  • Courses earned with grades of "D" may not be used toward a graduate degree or certificate, but will be calculated in the overall grade point average.
  • A minimum of 20 hours of the hours required for the degree must be earned in residence (⅔ of the required hours). Asynchronous (online) and distance learning courses administered through Columbus State University constitute courses taken in residence
  • Transfer courses must be approved by the students’ advisor and program coordinator. Courses with earned grades of "C" or below cannot be transferred.
  • All degree requirements must be completed within seven (7) years of first enrollment.