Music Performance (BM) - Vocal Concentration

Program of Study

Core IMPACTS Area : Institutional Priorities 14-5
COMM 1110Public Speaking3
ITDS 1779Scholarship Across the Disciplines2
LEAD 1705Introduction to Servant Leadership2
PERS 1506Perspectives 1-hour1
PERS 1507Perspectives 2-hour2
Foreign Language Course Options
ARAB, CHIN, FREN, GERM, GREK, ITAL, JAPN, KREN, LATIN, PORT, SPAN - 1001, 1002, 2001, 2002
Elementary Swahili I
Elementary Swahili II
Core IMPACTS Area : Mathematics & Quantitative Skills 13-7
DATA 1501Introduction to Data Science 3
MATH 1001Quantitative Skills and Reasoning3
MATH 1101Introduction to Mathematical Modeling3
MATH 1111College Algebra3
MATH 1113Pre-Calculus4
MATH 1125Applied Calculus3
MATH 1131Calculus with Analytic Geometry I4
MATH 1132Calculus with Analytic Geometry II4
MATH 1165Computer-Assisted Problem Solving3
MATH 1401Introduction to Statistics3
MATH 1501Calculus I4
MATH 2125Introduction to Discrete Mathematics3
STAT 1401Elementary Statistics3
Core IMPACTS Area : Political Science and U.S. History 6
HIST 2111U. S. History to 18653
or HIST 2112 U. S. History since 1865
POLS 1101American Government3
Core IMPACTS Area : Arts, Humanities, and Ethics 6
Select one Fine Arts course3
Art Appreciation
Introduction to the History of Art I– Prehistoric through Gothic
Introduction to the History of Art II– Renaissance through Modern
Music Appreciation
Theatre Appreciation
Comparative Arts 2
Select one Humanities course3
World Literature I
World Literature II
The Western Intellectual Tradition
Introduction to Digital Humanities
Introduction to Philosophy
Comparative Arts 2
Core IMPACTS Area : Communicating in Writing 6
ENGL 1101English Composition I3
ENGL 1102English Composition II3
Core IMPACTS Area : Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences 1,37-11
ANTH 1145Human Origins3
ASTR 1105Descriptive Astronomy: The Solar System3
ASTR 1106Descriptive Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies3
ASTR 1305Descriptive Astronomy Lab1
ATSC 1112Understanding the Weather3
ATSC 1112LUnderstanding the Weather Lab1
BIOL 1125Contemporary Issues in Biology Non-Lab3
BIOL 1215KIntroductory Biology4
BIOL 1225KContemporary Issues in Biology with Lab4
CHEM 1151
Survey of Chemistry I
and Survey of Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 1152
Survey of Chemistry II
and Survey of Chemistry II Lab
CHEM 1211
Principles of Chemistry I
and Principles of Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 1212
Principles of Chemistry II
and Principles of Chemistry II Lab
CPSC 1105Introduction to Computing Principles and Technology3
CPSC 1301KComputer Science I4
ENVS 1105Environmental Studies3
ENVS 1105LEnvironmental Studies Laboratory1
ENVS 1205KSustainability and the Environment4
GEOG 2215Introduction to the Geographic Information Systems3
GEOL 1110Natural Disasters: Our Hazardous Environment3
GEOL 1121Introductory Geoscience I: Physical Geology3
GEOL 1121LIntroductory Geoscience I: Physical Geology Lab1
GEOL 1122Introductory Geo-sciences II: Historical Geology3
GEOL 1322Introductory Geo-sciences II: Historical Geology Lab1
GEOL 2225The Fossil Record4
PHYS 1111
PHYS 1311
Introductory Physics I
and Introductory Physics I Lab
PHYS 1112
PHYS 1312
Introductory Physics II
and Introductory Physics II Lab
PHYS 1125Physics of Color and Sound3
PHYS 1325Physics of Color and Sound Lab1
PHYS 2211
PHYS 2311
Principles of Physics I
and Principles of Physics I Lab
PHYS 2212
PHYS 2312
Principles of Physics II
and Principles of Physics II Lab
Core IMPACTS Total Hours42
Health and Wellness3
KINS 1106Lifetime Wellness2
or PHED 1205 Concepts of Fitness
Select one of the following1
Any PEDS course
Body Mapping (Music Majors Only)

The hours applied in the Institutional Priorities; Mathematics & Quantitative Skills; and Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences areas must add to 18 credit hours. 


ITDS 1145 Comparative Arts, though listed under both Fine Arts and Humanities, may be taken only once. 


At least 4 of the credit hours in this area must be in a lab science course.

Major Requirements

Core Requirements
Complete the core requirements for this program39
Core Total39
Field of Study Requirements
Minimum grade of C is required
MUSA 2231Applied Music (take 4 times)12
MUSA 2313Keyboard Class I1
MUSA 2314Keyboard Class II1
MUSC 1214Music Theory I2
MUSC 1215Music Theory II2
MUSC 1314Music Skills I1
MUSC 1315Music Skills II1
MUSP 1090Vocal Ensemble Activities (take four times)4
Field of Study Requirements Total24
Required for the Major
Minimum grade of C is required
MUSA 1215Secondary Applied Music (1st time)1
MUSA 1215Secondary Applied Music (2nd time)1
MUSA 2315Keyboard 3/Proficiency1
MUSA 3305Half Recital0
MUSA 4231Applied Music (take 4 times)12
MUSA 4305Full Recital2
MUSC 1000Music Convocation (6 semesters)0
MUSC 1205Introduction to the Lyric Stage1
MUSC 2201Music Theory 32
MUSC 2202Music Theory IV2
MUSC 2301Music Skills 31
MUSC 2302Music Skills 41
MUSC 3228Music History to Mozart3
MUSC 3229Music History Beethoven to Present3
MUSC 5218USong Literature2
MUSC 5225UOpera and Oratorio Literature2
MUSE 3201Basic Conducting2
MUSE 3221Vocal Pedagogy I2
MUSE 3222Vocal Pedagogy II1
MUSP 3090Vocal Ensemble Activities (take four times)4
MUSP 3205Opera & Musical Theatre Workshop (take four times)4
DANC 1310Fundamentals of Dance1
Required for the Major Total48
Major Electives: Language Component
Select 3 hours of FREN and 3 hours of GERM6
MUSE 3241English and Italian Diction1
MUSE 3242German Diction1
MUSE 3243French Diction1
General Electives3
Total Credit Hours123

Program Map 

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FallCredit Hours
MUSA 2231 Applied Music (minimum grade of C) 3
MUSP 1090 Vocal Ensemble Activities (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSC 1214 Music Theory I (minimum grade of C) 2
MUSC 1314 Music Skills I (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSC 1000 Music Convocation (minimum grade of C) 0
MUSC 1205 Introduction to the Lyric Stage 1
Arts, Humanities, and EthicsHumanities. Of the courses listed in this area, ITDS 1145 Comparative Arts is the recommended course for music majors. Be sure to take the section designated for music majors. 3
MUSE 3241 English and Italian Diction (minimum grade of C) 1
ENGL 1101 English Composition I (minimum grade of C) 3
Mathematics and Quantitative SkillsMATH 1001 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning (or higher level math course) 3
 Credit Hours18
MUSA 2231 Applied Music (minimum grade of C) 3
MUSP 1090 Vocal Ensemble Activities (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSP 3205 Opera & Musical Theatre Workshop (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSA 2313 Keyboard Class I (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSC 1215 Music Theory II (minimum grade of C) 2
MUSC 1315 Music Skills II (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSC 1000 Music Convocation (minimum grade of C) 0
Arts, Humanities, and EthicsFine Arts. Of the courses listed in this area, MUSC 1100 Music Appreciation is the recommended course for music majors. Be sure to take the section designated for music majors. 2 3
ENGL 1102 English Composition II (minimum grade of C) 3
MUSE 3242 German Diction (minimum grade of C) 1
Institutional PrioritiesITDS 1779 (2), LEAD 1705 (2), PERS 1506 (1; may be repeated with different topic), PERS 1507 (2) 2
 Credit Hours18
Second Year
MUSA 2231 Applied Music (minimum grade of C) 3
MUSP 1090 Vocal Ensemble Activities (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSP 3205 Opera & Musical Theatre Workshop (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSA 2314 Keyboard Class II (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSC 2201 Music Theory 3 (minimum grade of C) 2
MUSC 2301 Music Skills 3 (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSC 1000 Music Convocation (minimum grade of C) 0
Select one of the following: 3
Elementary French I
or Elementary French II
Elementary German I
or Elementary German II
MUSE 3243 French Diction (minimum grade of C) 1
CORERequired Core, the following is recommended: 3 3
Institutional Priorities
COMM 1110 Public Speaking or foreign language 1001, 1002, 2001, 2002
 Credit Hours16
MUSA 2231 Applied Music (minimum grade of C) 3
MUSP 1090 Vocal Ensemble Activities (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSP 3205 Opera & Musical Theatre Workshop (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSC 2202 Music Theory IV (minimum grade of C) 2
MUSC 2302 Music Skills 4 (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSA 2315 Keyboard 3/Proficiency (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSC 1000 Music Convocation (minimum grade of C) 0
Select one of the following: 3
Elementary French II
or Intermediate French I
Elementary German II
or Intermediate German I
MUSC 1206 Body Mapping 4 3
 Credit Hours15
Third Year
MUSA 4231 Applied Music (minimum grade of C) 3
MUSP 3090 Vocal Ensemble Activities (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSP 3205 Opera & Musical Theatre Workshop (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSC 1000 Music Convocation (minimum grade of C) 0
MUSC 3228 Music History to Mozart (minimum grade of C) 3
MUSE 3221 Vocal Pedagogy I (minimum grade of C) 2
CORERequired Core, the following is recommended: 3
American Government  
MUSC 5225U
Opera and Oratorio Literature (minimum grade of C)
or Song Literature
 Credit Hours15
MUSA 4231 Applied Music (minimum grade of C) 3
MUSP 3090 Vocal Ensemble Activities (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSC 1000 Music Convocation (minimum grade of C) 0
MUSC 3229 Music History Beethoven to Present (minimum grade of C) 3
MUSE 3201 Basic Conducting (minimum grade of C) 2
DANC 1310 Fundamentals of Dance (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSE 3222 Vocal Pedagogy II (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSA 3305 Half Recital (minimum grade of C) 0
Recommended but not a degree requirement:  
Professional Materials for the Vocal Performer  
 Credit Hours11
Fourth Year
MUSA 4231 Applied Music (minimum grade of C) 3
MUSP 3090 Vocal Ensemble Activities (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSC 5225U
Opera and Oratorio Literature (minimum grade of C)
or Song Literature
MUSA 1215 Secondary Applied Music (piano) (minimum grade of C) 1
CORERequired Core, Lab Science recommended 4
CORERequired Core, the following is recommended: 3
U. S. History to 1865
or U. S. History since 1865
 Credit Hours14
MUSA 4231 Applied Music (minimum grade of C) 3
MUSP 3090 Vocal Ensemble Activities (minimum grade of C) 1
MUSA 4305 Full Recital (minimum grade of C) 2
MUSA 1215 Secondary Applied Music (piano) (minimum grade of C) 1
General ElectivesGeneral Electives 3
CORERequired Core, Non-Lab Science recommended 3
CORERequired Core, math/science/tech course recommended 3
 Credit Hours16
 Total Credit Hours123

MUSC 1100 Music Appreciation (section for music majors only) or ITDS 1145 Comparative Arts.


Choose 3 credits from core requirements this semester - you might not be able to fit the exact ones listed above.


You may substitute PHED 1205 Concepts of Fitness or KINS 1106 Lifetime Wellness and any one PEDS course for the MUSC 1206 Body Mapping course.

First-year spring note: MUSA 2231 second semester jury examination advises student in continuing in this major.

Second-year spring note: MUSA 2232 fourth semester jury examination determines whether the student may continue in the major or identify other options.

Admission Requirements

Prospective music majors must demonstrate basic aptitude in a performance medium through a placement audition and interview. Specific audition requirements are listed here:  Transfer students: Please note that placement in music courses is based on audition and testing results and not necessarily on previous college credit

Additional Program Requirements

In order to be accepted as a music major, each student must demonstrate aptitude in his/her major instrument or voice through a placement audition and interview with a member of the music faculty. All newly admitted music majors also must take placement examinations in music theory and piano. Music majors who take time off before completing degree requirements will be required to re-audition if they have missed a full academic year (fall and spring, or spring and fall).

Transfer students: Please note that placement in music courses is based on audition and testing results and not necessarily on previous college credit.

General Requirements

All music majors are required to attend all master classes in their major instrument and must perform at least once each semester in a recital or master class. All students enrolled in applied music must be concurrently enrolled in the major music ensemble activity that corresponds to their major instrument (Strings-Orchestra, Winds/Percussion – Wind Ensemble, Voice-Choral Ensemble).