NURS - Nursing

NURS 3121 Servant Leadership for the Professional Nurse I (3-0-3) 
This course will provide students with an opportunity to gain an understanding of servant leadership as it applies to the professional nurse. The course will explore the importance of professional relationships and the role of professional nurses as leaders. The course will focus on defining and applying servant leadership, ethical and legal considerations in healthcare, management concepts, group dynamics, organizational development, and quality improvement.

Enrollment limited to students in the BSNSH14 or BSNSH14_ACC programs.

NURS 3171 Pharmacology in Nursing I (2-0-2) 
This course focuses on the concepts and principles of pharmacology that apply to the nursing role in developing an approach to the administration of medications in the clinical setting. Safe medication administration across the lifespan and introduction to use of the nursing process with medication administration will be included. There will also be an introduction to major drug classifications that are used for health promotion and for disease prevention and management.

Enrollment limited to students in the BSNSH14 program.

NURS 3172 Pharmacology in Nursing II (2-0-2) 
This course continues to develop the understanding of major drug classifications, including pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of these medications. This course includes how to implement the nursing process in the clinical setting for safe administration of medications included in these drug classifications. Evaluation of patient response to medications and knowledge of self-administration of medications will also be a focus.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 3171 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3279 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3277 (may be taken concurrently)

Enrollment limited to students in the BSNSH14 or BSNSH14_ACC programs.

NURS 3174 Dosage Calculations for Nursing (1-0-1) 
This course emphasizes the necessity of effectively, accurately and safely calculating dosages of medications. Math concepts and principles used in medication administration are reviewed and calculation problems encountered in the preparation of medication are interpreted and solved. Dosage calculations will include oral, powdered, and parenteral medications, as well as pediatric and adult weight-based medications.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing or Nursing.

Enrollment limited to students in the BSNSH14 program.

NURS 3194 Applied Pathophysiology RN (3-0-3) 
Pre-requisites: Admission to the RN-BSN program. This course provides an overview of the pathophysiology of selected conditions focusing on the etiology, pathogenesis, physiological changes, and clinical manifestations of common health problems. Genetic and cultural influences on health will also be addressed. Emphasis is upon both the physiological changes that contribute to disease production, physiological changes that occur as a result of disease, and the body's compensation for these changes, as well as the application of this knowledge to the assessment of patients with commonly occurring disease and injury processes.
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 99 times or 99 hours.

Enrollment limited to Junior, Senior, Non-Degree - Undergrad PostBac or Degree - Undergrad PostBac students.

Enrollment limited to students major in RN to BSN.

Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing or Bachelor of Science in Nursing degrees.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 3197 Professional Nursing Practice (3-0-3) 
This course is designed to enhance and facilitate the development of the RN student to the role of a BSN prepared professional nurse. The focus is on developing personal and professional growth to promote better advocacy, critical thinking, educator skills, effective communication, and leadership abilities in a complex healthcare environment. Course content includes concepts from historical contributions and theories that have guided the profession, to promoting professional philosophies, visions, and practices to help prepare for future trends in healthcare. Topics relate to culture and diversity, professional ethics, political and legal issues in nursing, and technology. Students will apply knowledge of standards of practice, evidence-based practice, and caring science to course

Freshman or Sophomore students may not enroll.

Enrollment limited to students major in RN to BSN.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 3266 Perioperative Nursing (1-6-3) 
This course introduces the student to the role of the professional perioperative nurse by providing learning opportunities in the classroom, perioperative clinical settings, and professional organization meetings. Students will utilize the nursing process, AORN Perioperative Standards and Recommended Practices, and The Joint Commission National Safety Goals to guide development of evidence-based nursing care for clients throughout the lifespan in pre, intra, and postoperative settings. In addition, this course provides opportunities for students to further develop physical assessment, infection control, and interdisciplinary communication techniques. (S/U grading)

Enrollment limited to Junior, Senior or Degree - Undergrad PostBac students.

Enrollment limited to students in the BSNSH14_ACC program.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students with the Admitted to Nursing Program attribute.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 3275 Foundations of Clinical Nursing Practice (3-9-6) 
This course introduces students to the role of the professional nurse as a collaborative member of the care team. The topics reviewed in this course prepare students to engage in patient-centered care, act as a patient safety advocate, and understand the theoretical framework of the nursing practice. Content includes but is not limited to the nursing process, history of professional nursing, quality and safety initiatives, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and categories of patient needs.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 3276 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3175 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing.

NURS 3276 Introduction to Health Assessment and Wellness (2-3-3) 
This course provides experiences to foster development of the basic knowledge and psychomotor skills necessary for assessing the health of clients throughout the life span, including eliciting a health history, conducting a basic physical examination, and integrating basic techniques of health assessment into patient care in varied settings. The focus of the course is on basic interviewing and physical assessment techniques in the lab and virtual simulation environment, medical terminology, recognition of normal findings, and differentiating normal from the most common abnormal findings.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

NURS 3277 Medical Surgical Nursing (3-9-6) 
This course provides experiences to foster the development of cognitive and psychomotor skills necessary for the nursing care of medical-surgical patients of all ages with chronic health conditions. The focus is on the care of patients experiencing chronic endocrine, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, renal, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, blood, neoplastic, acid-base and psychological alterations. Clinical experiences include in-patient hospital units and high-fidelity simulations that expose students to patients with chronic health problems. (Course Fee Required).
Prerequisite(s): NURS 3279 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3171 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3275 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3174 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3276 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing.

Enrollment limited to students in the BSNSH14 or BSNSH14_ACC programs.

NURS 3279 Applied Pathophysiology (3-0-3) 
<em>Prerequisites:</em> Admission into the nursing program. This course provides an overview of the pathophysiology of selected conditions focusing on the etiology, pathogenesis, physiological changes, and clinical manifestations of common health problems. Emphasis is upon both the physiological changes that contribute to disease production, physiological changes that occur as a result of disease, and the body's compensation for these changes, as well as the application of this knowledge to the assessment of patients with commonly occurring disease and injury processes.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing.

Enrollment limited to students in the BSNSH14_ACC program.

Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate Level level students.

NURS 3280 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing (3-3-4) 
This course integrates the principles and concepts of mental health, psychopathology, and treatment modalities to equip students with the theoretical basis to implement evidence-based care for clients with psychiatric/mental illness. Students will explore psychosocial and psychophysiological concepts, ethical and legal influences, as well as the social, economic and geographical impacts on mental health care .
Prerequisite(s): NURS 3275 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing or Nursing.

Enrollment limited to students in the BSNSH14 or BSNSH14_ACC programs.

NURS 3297 Nursing Research Application (3-0-3) 
This course is designed to provide the registered nurse with an overview of the major research concepts as applied to the profession of nursing, to scholarship, and to clinical practice. Analysis, critique, and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative research approaches, including ethical implications, for evidence-based nursing practice will be examined. Emphasis is placed on how to critique, analyze, and apply published and empirical research findings to evidence-based nursing practice.
Prerequisite(s): STAT 1401 with a minimum grade of C or STAT 1127 with a minimum grade of C or MATH 1401 with a minimum grade of C

Freshman or Sophomore students may not enroll.

Enrollment limited to students major in RN to BSN.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

NURS 3397 Health Assessment (3-0-3) 
This course is a study of the advanced knowledge and skills beyond the Associates’ degree in Nursing, designed to enhance health assessment for nursing practice in the care of individuals across the lifespan. Theory and skills essential to completing a comprehensive and holistic health history and physical examination are emphasized. In addition, the holistic delivery of care will include cultural, spiritual, nutritional, alternative, complementary therapies, and health promotion for the delivery of safe and person-centered care. The importance of comprehensive and accurate documentation as a tool for effective communication amongst the interdisciplinary team is reviewed.

Enrollment limited to students major in RN to BSN.

NURS 3497 Health Assessment Lab (0-6-2) 
This course is a lab course designed to enhance health assessment for nursing practice in the care of individuals across the lifespan. Assessment skills essential to completing a comprehensive and holistic health history and physical examination are practiced.

Enrollment limited to students major in RN to BSN.

NURS 3555 Selected Topics in Professional Nursing ((1-3)-0-(1-3)) 
Prerequisite: Admission to BSN upper level program and approval of Nursing Department Chair. Specialized topics from nursing taught by means of lecture, discussion, special seminar, guided independent study, directed experience in the field of nursing, online learning activities, clinical investigation and/or other methods as appropriate. May be repeated once with different topic.
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 1 times or 6 hours.

Enrollment limited to Junior, Senior or Degree - Undergrad PostBac students.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing or RN to BSN.

Students in the BSNSH14 program may not enroll.

Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing or Bachelor of Science in Nursing degrees.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 4111 Professional Development Perspectives III (2-0-2) 
Continuation of professional nursing series with an examination of leadership theories and styles, economic and social issues, change theories, and nursing across healthcare systems and delivery within the global arena.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 3121 with a minimum grade of D and NURS 3174 with a minimum grade of D and NURS 3171 with a minimum grade of D and NURS 3275 with a minimum grade of D and NURS 3276 with a minimum grade of D and NURS 3277 with a minimum grade of D and NURS 3279 with a minimum grade of D

Enrollment limited to Junior, Senior, Non-Degree - Undergrad PostBac or Degree - Undergrad PostBac students.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing.

Enrollment limited to students in the BSNSH14_ACC program.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

NURS 4112 Professional Development Perspectives IV (2-0-2) 
Application of professional nursing concepts with a focus on power and politics, professional maturation process, career management, and professional socialization with an emphasis on transition into practice. This series of courses will culminate in a portfolio incorporating a variety of professional concepts.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 4111 with a minimum grade of D

Enrollment limited to Senior, Non-Degree - Undergrad PostBac or Degree - Undergrad PostBac students.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing.

Enrollment limited to students in the BSNSH14_ACC program.

Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 4122 Servant Leadership for the Professional Nurse II (3-0-3) 
This course focuses on the application of servant leadership and professional nursing concepts with a focus on power and politics, professional maturation, and professional socialization with an emphasis on transition into practice.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 3121 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 4275 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 4276 with a minimum grade of C

Students cannot enroll who have a program in RN to BSN or Pre-Nursing.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students with the Admitted to Nursing Program attribute.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 4175 Evidence-Based Practice (3-0-3) 
This course focuses on the recognition and application of research in evidence-based decision-making and clinical nursing practice.
Prerequisite(s): STAT 1401 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3280 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3277 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to students in the BSNSH14_ACC program.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

NURS 4176 Introduction to Nursing Informatics (2-0-2) 
This course introduces nursing informatics as an integration of nursing, computer, and information sciences for the support of nursing practice. The focus is on how the practicing nurse can effectively use technology and its applications.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 3172 with a minimum grade of C or NURS 3277 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3280 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3121 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

NURS 4275 Maternal-Child Nursing (4-6-6) 
This courses addresses the theories and principles used in nursing care of pregnant women and children from infancy through adolescence. Students will care for women and children in a variety of settings.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 3277 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3280 with a minimum grade of C
NURS 4276 Servant Leadership in the Community (3-3-4) 
This course focuses on serving and promoting the wellness and empowerment of individuals and groups within the community. Clinical experiences include multiple community organizations.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 3277 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3280 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to Senior students.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Letters Sciences college.

NURS 4277 Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing (4-9-7) 
This course fosters the development of advanced skills necessary for providing nursing care for a diverse population experiencing multi-system health problems. The focus is on nursing management related to acute alterations in health and well-being. Clinical experiences include inpatient hospital units and high-fidelity simulations that expose students to patients with acute health problems.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 4175 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 4176 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 4275 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 4276 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

NURS 4279 Professional Clinical Nursing IV (7-10-10) 
This course provides experiences to foster development of advanced cognitive and psychomotor skills necessary for providing nursing care for adults and children experiencing complex and/or multi-system physiological and/or psychological health problems. The focus is on the management and nursing care related to acute threats to life, limb, and/or mental well-being. Clinical experiences include intensive care units, emergency departments, pediatrics, and acute psychiatric facilities.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 3121 with a minimum grade of D and NURS 3171 with a minimum grade of D and NURS 3275 with a minimum grade of D and NURS 3276 with a minimum grade of D and NURS 3277 with a minimum grade of D and NURS 3279 with a minimum grade of D

Enrollment limited to students in the BSNSH14_ACC program.

Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 4280 Professional Clinical Nursing III (7-10-10) 
Utilization of the nursing process with families in childbearing and child rearing phase of family development, families at risk, aggregates and communities to promote wellness, prevent illness, and maintain health. Health problems of the reproductive and lactation systems are also included. Selected mental health concepts are integrated throughout. Course content includes the concepts of epidemiology, levels of prevention, ecology and theoretical frameworks applicable to working in community settings. Clinical experiences are provided in a variety of settings.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 3121 with a minimum grade of D and NURS 3174 with a minimum grade of D and NURS 3171 with a minimum grade of D and NURS 3275 with a minimum grade of D and NURS 3276 with a minimum grade of D and NURS 3277 with a minimum grade of D and NURS 3279 with a minimum grade of D

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

NURS 4288 Senior Synthesis (1-12-5) 
A capstone learning experience in which senior nursing students synthesize and apply theories, concepts, knowledge, skills and attitudes from prior coursework. This course includes a preceptorship, learning activities to prepare for the NCLEX-RN licensure exam, and professional nursing practice.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 4175 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 4176 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 4275 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 4276 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 4377 Senior Preceptorship (0-9-3) 
A capstone learning experience in which senior nursing students synthesize and apply theories, concepts, knowledge, skills and abilities from the sciences, humanities, and nursing to nursing practice. The course includes precepting, activities to review for NCLEX-RN licensing exam (at student's expense), and the Nursing Exit Exam.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 3121 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3174 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3171 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3275 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3276 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3277 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3279 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to Senior, Non-Degree - Undergrad PostBac or Degree - Undergrad PostBac students.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing.

Enrollment limited to students in the BSNSH14_ACC program.

Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

NURS 4497 Community Health Nursing (3-0-3) 
This course is designed to examine the concepts and principles of community and population health nursing. The course will provide an overview of health issues that transcend borders, class, race, ethnicity, and culture. Emphasis is placed on roles, levels of prevention, principles of epidemiology, public health policy, and disaster preparedness.

Freshman or Sophomore students may not enroll.

Enrollment limited to students major in RN to BSN.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 4498 Community Health Clinical Nursing (0-9-3) 
This course will introduce students to community and population health nursing. Special emphasis will be placed on health promotion and disease prevention across the lifespan in ethnically diverse and vulnerable populations. Students will enhance critical thinking skills by planning and implementing a service-learning project within their community.

Freshman or Sophomore students may not enroll.

Enrollment limited to students major in RN to BSN.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 4597 Leadership and Management (3-0-3) 
This course introduces the leadership roles and management functions of professional registered nurses within the structure of an organization. The management process provides the foundational structure for the course, while the theoretical framework for this course is established through exploration of leadership styles, organizational theory, and management theory. Quality assurance and the provision of evidence-based, patient-centered care and collaborative relationships are emphasized. The impact of political and legislative processes, the integration of informatics, and the legal and ethical issues in management are also discussed.

Freshman or Sophomore students may not enroll.

Enrollment limited to students major in RN to BSN.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

NURS 4698 Senior Project RN (0-9-3) 
This course is designed for registered nurses seeking a BSN degree. A senior project will focus on evidence-based principles and theoretical frameworks to guide the discovery, synthesis, and dissemination of information related to a selected clinical topic.
Prerequisite(s): (NURS 3191 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3192 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 3194 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and NURS 4192 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C and NURS 4292 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C)
NURS 6100 Principles of Leadership & Management within Health Care Organizations Seminar (3-0-3) 
Transitioning from novice to expert in the role of a nursing leader is explored in this course. Content includes theoretical foundations of effective leadership which will enable the student to function effectively in a leadership role in various settings. The management of human, fiscal, and physical health care resources will be emphasized. Students in this course will explore theories and models of leadership as the student assesses their personal leadership style.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

NURS 6104 Theory for Graduate Nursing Practice (3-0-3) 
This course prepares nurses to transition into new roles and advanced nursing practice by exploring a wide range of theories from nursing and other sciences. Students will understand the role of knowledge development in advancing a discipline. Students will critique, analyze, and evaluate selected nursing, educational and leadership theories and incorporate these theories into their advanced nursing practice roles.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

NURS 6105 Research for Evidence-Based Nursing Practice (3-0-3) 
Prerequisite: Admission to Graduate Nursing Program or Senior Standing in BSN Program with 3.00 GPA. This course builds upon undergraduate statistics and research courses and will focus on the relationship between nursing theory, research, and practice for evidence-based practice. This course will focus on issues such as the identification of practice and system problems, evaluation of research studies and systematic reviews, development and implementation of evidence-based practice guidelines, use of evidence-based practice to improve outcomes for individuals and groups of patients as well as health care systems, and differentiation of evidence-based and value-based approaches to practice. Students are expected to integrate an evidence-based approach into their practice.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing or Family Nurse Practitioner.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 6106 Advanced Pharmacology (3-0-3) 
Prerequisite(s): Admission to Graduate Nursing Program or Senior Standing in BSN Program with 3.00 GPA. This course includes principles of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, drug metabolism and transport, assessment of drug effects, drug therapy in special populations, and contemporary drug development as a foundation for the use of medications in the clinical management of diseases. Major classes of drugs will be discussed in terms of actions; therapeutic and other effects; adverse, allergic and idiosyncratic reactions; indications and contraindications. Emphasis is placed on nursing responsibility, accountability, and application of the nursing process regarding drug therapy in a variety of settings with individuals across the life span.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing or Nursing.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 6107 Advanced Pathophysiology (3-0-3) 
This course focuses on developing advanced knowledge of physiological and pathophysiological concepts related to human response to illness. The student will apply these concepts across the lifespan to support clinical decision making by the advanced practice nurse.

Enrollment limited to students major in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

NURS 6108 Advanced Health Assessment (2-3-3) 
Prerequisite: Admission to Graduate Nursing Program or Senior Standing in BSN Program with 3.00 GPA. This course will build upon health assessment skills developed in the professional nurse's basic educational program. The theoretical and clinical basis for assessment in advanced nursing practice will be developed. The process whereby the advanced practitioner utilizes comprehensive physical, psychosocial, and cultural assessment across the lifespan to gather specific data relevant to common health problems is demonstrated. Faculty facilitate clinical experiences, which focus on assessment of clients and presentation of findings.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

NURS 6110 Principles of Education in Nursing (3-0-3) 
This course focuses on the theoretical foundations of teaching, learning innovations, and the multifaceted role of an advanced practice nurse educator in multiple settings. Expectations of a leader in nursing education are explored. Ethical and health care policy issues related to nursing education will be emphasized.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

NURS 6119 Information Technology in Health Care (3-0-3) 
This course examines the implications of the use of health care technology in the workplace as it impacts the areas of advanced clinical practice, nursing administration, and nursing education. Consideration is also given to ethical principles guiding the use of health care technology, and to the organizational and financial issues associated with legislation and public organizational policies This course provides hands-on experience with a certified EHR that accentuates the opportunity for students to assess the potential of such systems to provide decision support and to improve patient outcomes.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing or Nursing.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 6127 Scient Underpin of AP Role (3-0-3) 
Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate Nursing Program. Students explore components and variations of the advanced practice role and how social policy and healthcare delivery influence are influenced by the role. Legal definitions and professional interpretations of advance practice nursing are examined in relation to healthcare outcomes, resource allocation and cost effectiveness.

Enrollment limited to students major in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

NURS 6128 Pharmacology for the Advanced Practice Nurse (3-0-3) 
Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate Nursing Program. Course focuses on examination of the major categories of pharmacological agents and application of pharmacological concepts in the clinical practice setting. Emphasis is placed on understanding the physiological action of the drugs, expected patient responses and major effects. This course is prerequisite for clinical courses that integrate the knowledge of pharmacotherapeutics into effective nursing practice.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing or Family Nurse Practitioner.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 6129 Health Care Delivery Models, Economics and Policy (2-0-2) 
Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate Nursing Program. This course advances the student’s knowledge and skill in health care delivery systems, economics and health policy. The student will critically examine theories in relation to advanced nursing practice in current and emerging health care delivery systems and the concepts of economics as they apply to the healthcare market and financing and delivering health care services. Particular attention is paid to the impact healthcare economics has on patients, delivery systems, and providers. The student will analyze the forces involved in the formation and implementation of health care policy. Emphasis is on the characteristics of health care policy and politics and the influence of economics on the practice, design and reform of health care in the United States.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing or Family Nurse Practitioner.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 6210 Management of Human Resources in Health Care (3-0-3) 
This course will provide the knowledge needed for the nurse leader/manager to be competent in healthcare human resource management. This course focuses on recruitment, selection, and training issues and on how human resource management needs to be integrated into the strategic planning of the organization. Legal, ethical, and labor issues will be discussed, as well as health and safety issues, and the regional, national and global influences on human resource planning and management.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 6100

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 6220 Effective Teaching/Learning Strategies (3-0-3) 
This course is an overview of a variety of learning and instructional strategies to assist in the implementation of teaching plans for the nurse educator. General principles and methodologies related to learning and instruction are integrated into face-to-face and technology enhanced techniques.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 6110

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 6225 Health Assessment for Advanced Practice Nurses (4-0-4) 
Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate Nursing Program. This course expands the nurse’s knowledge of cognitive processes and psychomotor skills needed for comprehensive assessment and development of differential diagnoses of clients across the lifespan. Techniques and processes of performing a physical, mental, developmental, and nutritional assessment, obtaining a health history, and performing selected diagnostic procedures will be examined. Interviewing skills that enable the nurse practitioner student to relate to various clients across the lifespan will be refined.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 6325 (may be taken concurrently)

Enrollment limited to students major in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

NURS 6227 Health Promotion of Women and Children (3-0-3) 
This course is designed to prepare Family Nurse Practitioners to assume responsibility for health promotion, maintenance, and management of common acute and chronic health problems of women of child-bearing age, infants, children, and adolescents in health care settings. Emphasis is on the description of the condition or disease, etiology and incidence, clinical findings, differential diagnosis, management, complications, and preventive and patient education measures. Consideration is given to cultural and ethical issues that affect health care delivery and client adherence to the management plan. Established protocols for practice are used to indicate the need for consultation, referral, and community resources.
Prerequisite(s): (NURS 6228 and NURS 6328 and NURS 6327 (may be taken concurrently))

Enrollment limited to students major in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

NURS 6228 Health Promotion of the Elderly (3-0-3) 
This course prepares family nurse practitioners to assume responsibility for health promotion, disease prevention, early detection and management of common acute and chronic health problems of the elderly client and his/her family. The nurse practitioner’s role in promoting successful aging, maintaining function and promoting self-care, using community, personal and family resources is explored. The course emphasizes common geriatric syndromes and problems including chronic illnesses and their management. Ethical dilemmas that impact healthcare of older adults are integrated throughout course.
Prerequisite(s): (NURS 6229 and NURS 6329 and NURS 6328 (may be taken concurrently))

Enrollment limited to students major in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

NURS 6229 Health Promotion of Adults (3-0-3) 
This course is designed to prepare Family Nurse Practitioners to assume responsibility for health promotion, health maintenance, disease preventions, and the management of common acute and chronic health problems of adults in primary healthcare settings. Emphasis is on the family as the basic unit of nursing care. Discussion will include non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic management of common health problems. Criteria for consultation and indications for referral along with exploration of available community resources will also be considered.
Prerequisite(s): (NURS 6225 and NURS 6325 and NURS 6329 (may be taken concurrently) and NURS 6107 (may be taken concurrently) and NURS 6128 (may be taken concurrently))

Enrollment limited to students major in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

NURS 6230 Health Care Delivery Systems (3-0-3) 
This course is designed for the nurse leader/manager to develop an understanding of the complex regulatory environment in health care delivery systems and the interrelatedness of performance and quality improvement. Also, the framework for understanding the role and contributions of nurse leaders/managers within healthcare systems will be explored. Issues such as public reporting, pay for performance, measurements of patient satisfaction, and other emerging topics will be addressed.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 6100 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

NURS 6240 Health Care Finance (3-0-3) 
This course will examine the economic and financial issues that are unique to organizations in health care delivery. It will include an understanding of accounting principles, financial analysis and decision-making tools needed for nurse leaders. Also included are the principles of economics and the role of accounting and finance on the financial decision making of healthcare managers and executives. In addition, reimbursement issues will be discussed, as will the current and future considerations of paying
Prerequisite(s): NURS 6100 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

NURS 6325 Health Assessment for Advanced Practice Nurses Clinical (0-6-2) 
Prerequisite: Admission to the Graduate Nursing Program. This clinical course expands a nurse’s practice by advancing clinical skills and improving the application of diagnostic reasoning within the clinical setting to develop the role of an expert clinician. Skills cultivated are as follows: develop/complete an advanced examination, demonstrate appropriate use of examination equipment, analyze subjective/objective data to formulate correct differential/ definitive diagnoses, order correct diagnostic testing to assist in diagnoses confirmation, and follow practice guidelines.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 6225 (may be taken concurrently)

Enrollment limited to students major in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

NURS 6327 Health Promotion of Women and Children Clinical (0-9-3) 
This clinical course is designed to prepare Family Nurse Practitioners to assume responsibility for health promotion, maintenance, and management of common acute and chronic health problems of women of child-bearing age, infants, children, and adolescents in health care settings. Emphasis is on the description of the condition or disease, etiology and incidence, clinical findings, differential diagnosis, management, complications, and preventive and patient education measures. Consideration is given to cultural and ethical issues that affect health care delivery and client adherence to the management plan. Established protocols for practice are used to indicate the need for consultation, referral, and community resources.
Prerequisite(s): (NURS 6228 and NURS 6328 and NURS 6227 (may be taken concurrently))

Enrollment limited to students major in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

NURS 6328 Health Promotion of the Elderly Clinical (0-9-3) 
This course prepares family nurse practitioners to assume responsibility for health promotion, disease prevention, early detection and management of common acute and chronic health problems of the elderly client and his/her family. The nurse practitioner’s role in promoting successful aging, maintaining function and promoting self-care, using community, personal and family resources is explored. The course emphasizes common geriatric syndromes and problems including chronic illnesses and their management. Ethical dilemmas that impact healthcare of older adults are integrated throughout course.
Prerequisite(s): (NURS 6229 and NURS 6329 and NURS 6228 (may be taken concurrently))

Enrollment limited to students major in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

NURS 6329 Health Promotion of Adults Clinical (0-9-3) 
This clinical course is designed to prepare Family Nurse Practitioners to assume responsibility for health promotion, health maintenance, disease preventions, and the management of common acute and chronic health problems of adults in primary healthcare settings. Emphasis is on the family as the basic unit of nursing care. Discussion will include non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic management of common health problems. Criteria for consultation and indications for referral along with exploration of available community resources will also be considered.
Prerequisite(s): (NURS 6225 and NURS 6325 and NURS 6107 and NURS 6128 (may be taken concurrently) and NURS 6229 (may be taken concurrently))

Enrollment limited to students major in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

NURS 6330 Evaluation of Learning (3-0-3) 
This course will provide methods of assessing learning outcomes for individuals and groups in nursing academic and clinical settings. Emphasis is placed on theoretical reflections and empirical methods used to evaluate educational programs, institutions, personnel, and students.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 6110

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

NURS 6407 Practicum (0-9-3) 
This clinically based course operationalizes the theoretical principles and norms studied in previous graduate nursing courses. Students will have the opportunity to assume the role of nursing educator, leader, or informaticist and apply concepts within the selected program track.
Prerequisite(s): (NURS 6100 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 6210 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 6230 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 6240 with a minimum grade of C) or (NURS 6110 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 6220 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 6330 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 6440 with a minimum grade of C) or (NURS 6720 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 6730 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 6740 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 6750 with a minimum grade of C and NURS 6760 with a minimum grade of C)

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 6425 Nurse Practitioner Practicum (0-18-6) 
The nurse practitioner practicum experience provides the student an opportunity to assume responsibility for the primary healthcare services of individuals and families under the supervision of an established nurse practitioner and/or physician preceptor. Students will be expected to practice as a Nurse Practitioner, assuming increasing responsibility for planning and implements therapeutic processes and for documenting and evaluating outcomes of care. This intensive practice experience allows the student to apply theories through the investigation and management of health problems in primary healthcare settings.
Prerequisite(s): (NURS 6105 and NURS 6107 and NURS 6128 and NURS 6225 and NURS 6325 and NURS 6227 and NURS 6228 and NURS 6328 and NURS 6229 and NURS 6329 and NURS 6127 (may be taken concurrently) and NURS 6129 (may be taken concurrently))

Enrollment limited to students major in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

NURS 6440 Curriculum Development (3-0-3) 
This course examines the principles, philosophies, and theories used in curriculum development in nursing. Graduate students will define, design, and analyze a selected curriculum model.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 6110

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

NURS 6720 Applied Statistics and Data Mining (3-0-3) 
Prerequisites: Admission to the Graduate Nursing Program. Emphasizes the application of statistical and analytical procedures used in health care and nursing research. This project-based course provides a review of fundamentals of inferential statistics and also offers an introductory study of data modeling, data retrieval and data mining. Emphasis is placed on the use of PC-based tools for conducting analyses of clinical data.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Graduate Certificate or Master of Science in Nursing degrees.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 6730 Process Improvement for Health Care (3-0-3) 
Prerequisites: Admission to the Graduate Nursing Program. This "hands on", project-based course provides a discussion of recent developments in the management of quality and process improvement in the health care industry. Topics include: an overview of health care quality leadership requirements, team building and project management; quality management; quality and process improvement initiatives; methodologies for continuous process improvement; and emerging trends in health care quality management.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Graduate Certificate or Master of Science in Nursing degrees.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 6740 Health Information Exchange Standards and Models (3-0-3) 
Prerequisites: Admission to the Graduate Nursing Program. This course provides students with a general introduction to the data standards necessary to achieve interoperability within and among complex healthcare organizations. Emphasis is placed on the nature, role and services provided by Health Information Organizations (HIOs) including Regional HIOs. Additional study of the strengths and weaknesses of the Centralized, Federated, and Hybrid models used for HIE.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing or Health Care Informatics.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Graduate Certificate or Master of Science in Nursing degrees.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 6750 Health Systems Project Management (3-0-3) 
Prerequisites: Admission to the Graduate Nursing Program. This project-based course is designed to help students develop skills in facilitating strategic planning and management of complex projects in health care organizations. Learning activities will focus on managing the successful implementation of EHRs, including action planning, strategy implementation, evaluation of the planning process, budgeting, change management, assessment of organizational culture and behavior, scope creep, managing expectations, balancing competing priorities, and compliance reporting. Fundamental principles of project management such as planning, scheduling, resource allocation, and tracking are applied to a healthcare information system project.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 6760 Clinical Decision Support Systems (3-0-3) 
Prerequisites: Admission to the Graduate Nursing Program. This course provides an overview of clinical decision support systems and provides the student with a "hands-on" experience in three approaches: diagnostic decision support tools, alerts and reminders, and decision trees. In addition, methods for critiquing decision support tools for validity and utility for nursing practice are examined.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 6800 Independent Study (0-0-(1-2)) 
An independent study allows the graduate nursing student to explore, extend and enrich content introduced in courses in the MSN program. Students may elect to use these hours on a topic related to their area of focus or on a topic or method related to their proposed MSN thesis or project.
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 2 times or 6 hours.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

NURS 6999 Focused Project in Nursing (0-0-3) 
Prerequisite: Approval by Assistant Graduate Program Director. The main focus of this course will be a faculty-guided project that addresses a significant problem or issue within the nursing profession. Students will choose a problem that is of concern to nurse educators or one of concern to nurse leaders, or one of concern to nurse informaticists, appropriate for their declared track. The project is a research-based project that synthesizes knowledge and information from previous courses to develop, implement and evaluate the project. The project is a result of the research process utilizing primary or secondary data analysis and supports the synthesis of knowledge and information from previous courses. Students will be expected to implement the project within the semester. Students are expected to submit for publication or presentation of the project at a local, state or national conference.

Enrollment limited to students major in Nursing.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Science in Nursing degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.