KINS 1105 Introduction to Kinesiology (3-0-3)
KINS 1106 Lifetime Wellness (2-0-2)
KINS 2105 Weight Control (2-0-2)
KINS 2106 Medical Terminology for Health Professions (3-0-3)
KINS 2271 Skills and Concepts I (1-4-3)
KINS 2272 Skills and Concepts of Physical Activity II (1-4-3)
KINS 2345 Emergency Care and First Aid (0-2-1)
KINS 2379 Skills and Concepts of Gymnastics (0-2-1)
KINS 3105 Principles of Nutrition (3-0-3)
KINS 3107 Psychology of Exercise (3-0-3)
KINS 3126 Recognition and Evaluation of Athletic Injuries (3-0-3)
KINS 3135 Kinesiology (3-0-3)
KINS 3165 Principles of Sport Coaching (3-0-3)
KINS 3217 Physical Education in the Elementary School (2-4-4)
KINS 3218 Developing Movement Skills in Elementary Education (3-0-3)
KINS 3232 Exercise Leadership (2-2-3)
KINS 3255 Coaching and Officiating Baseball (1-2-2)
KINS 3256 Coaching and Officiating Basketball (1-2-2)
KINS 3257 Coaching and Officiating Softball (1-2-2)
KINS 3258 Coaching and Officiating Football (1-2-2)
KINS 3316 Teaching Dance (0-2-1)
KINS 3365 Coaching Youth Sports (0-2-1)
KINS 4000 Fitness Testing for Health and Physical Education Certification Concentration (0-0-0)
KINS 4131 Exercise Physiology (3-0-3)
KINS 4133 Exercise Prescription (3-0-3)
KINS 4135 Pathophysiology for Exercise Science Professions (3-0-3)
KINS 4137 Nutritional Bases of Human Performance (3-0-3)
KINS 4146 Measurement and Evaluation in Kinesiology (3-0-3)
KINS 4147 Organization and Administration (3-0-3)
KINS 4149 Emergency Care Instructor Training (2-0-2)
KINS 4215 Physical Education at the Middle Level (2-2-3)
KINS 4232 Exercise Testing (2-2-3)
KINS 4245 Physical Activity for Students with Disabilities (2-2-3)
KINS 4286 Advanced Techniques in Athletic Training (2-2-3)
KINS 4317 Health Related Fitness Education (1-2-2)
KINS 4331 Exercise Physiology Laboratory (0-2-1)
KINS 4335 Assessment in Physical Education (0-2-2)
KINS 4337 Nutritional Bases of Human Performance Lab (0-2-1)
KINS 4415 Coaching Practicum (0-4-2)
KINS 4416 Teaching Practicum in Physical Education (0-4-2)
KINS 4698 Internship / Practicum (0-0-(3-12))
KINS 4899 Independent Study ((1-3)-0-(1-3))
KINS 5133G Pharmacological Considerations for Exercise Testing and Training (3-0-3)
KINS 5133U Pharmacological Considerations for Exercise Testing and Training (3-0-3)
KINS 5135G Program Design in Kinesiology and Health (3-0-3)
KINS 5135U Program Design in Kinesiology and Health (3-0-3)
KINS 5136G Environmental Stress and Exercise (3-0-3)
KINS 5136U Environmental Stress and Exercise (3-0-3)
KINS 5137G Electrocardiography (3-0-3)
KINS 5137U Electrocardiography (3-0-3)
KINS 5145G Motor Learning and Performance (3-0-3)
KINS 5145U Motor Learning and Performance (3-0-3)
KINS 5212G Principles of Strength and Conditioning (3-0-3)
KINS 5212U Principles of Strength and Conditioning (3-0-3)
KINS 5215G The Development of Motor Skills: A Lifespan Perspective (2-2-3)
KINS 5215U The Development of Motor Skills: A Lifespan Perspective (2-2-3)
KINS 5216G Physical Education in the Secondary School (2-4-4)
KINS 5216U Physical Education in the Secondary School (2-4-4)
KINS 5217G Physical Education in the Elementary School (1-4-3)
KINS 5217U Physical Education in the Elementary School (1-4-3)
KINS 5218G Teaching Health in P-8 Schools (1-2-2)
KINS 5218U Teaching Health in P-8 Schools (1-2-2)
KINS 5219G Teaching Health in High School (1-2-2)
KINS 5219U Teaching Health in High School (1-2-2)
KINS 5485G Student Teaching in Health and Physical Education (0-40-10)
KINS 5485U Student Teaching in Health and Physical Education (0-40-10)
KINS 5545G Selected Topics in Kinesiology (0-0-(1-3))
KINS 5545U Selected Topics in Kinesiology (0-0-(1-3))
KINS 5795G Seminar in Physical Education ((1-3)-0-(1-3))
KINS 5795U Seminar in Physical Education ((1-3)-0-(1-3))