KINS - Kinesiology

KINS 1105 Introduction to Kinesiology (3-0-3) 
Examines the foundations of professions and relevant issues within the area of kinesiology (exercise science and physical education) including historical perspectives, future directions, and relevant issues.
KINS 1106 Lifetime Wellness (2-0-2) 
This course is designed to help students understand the dimensions of wellness with regard to well-being and longevity, gain understanding of fundamental concepts related to behavior change and lifetime health and develop knowledge of fitness-related components.
KINS 2105 Weight Control (2-0-2) 
Exploration of body composition, personal dietary practices, skills for dietary planning, a survey of eating disorders, commercially prepared food products, and commercially available diets.
KINS 2106 Medical Terminology for Health Professions (3-0-3) 
Construction and interpretation of terms used in health and medical professions with a focus on prefixes, suffixes, roots, and combining forms. Students will define and interpret medical terms relating to structure and function, pathology, diagnosis, clinical procedures, and pharmacology.
KINS 2271 Skills and Concepts I (1-4-3) 
Prerequisite: Kinesiology major, or department approval. Instruction, individual practice, and skill analysis leading to proficiency in activities such as basketball, lacrosse, team handball, flag football, soccer, floor hockey and Ultimate Frisbee.
KINS 2272 Skills and Concepts of Physical Activity II (1-4-3) 
Prerequisite: Kinesiology major, or department approval. Instruction, individual practice, and skill analysis leading to proficiency in activities such as tennis, Pickleball, volleyball, badminton, softball and track and field.
KINS 2345 Emergency Care and First Aid (0-2-1) 
Knowledge and skills necessary to respond to common medical emergencies and to identify preventive measures.
KINS 2379 Skills and Concepts of Gymnastics (0-2-1) 
Prerequisites: Kinesiology major or departmental approval. Skills, concepts, and progression in educational and Olympic gymnastics; spotting techniques and other safety considerations. Additional fee required.
KINS 3105 Principles of Nutrition (3-0-3) 
Basic scientific principles relating to human nutrition. Course will examine structure and function of the alimentary canal and accessory organs, macronutrients, and micronutrients. Relationship between diet and health also explored.
KINS 3107 Psychology of Exercise (3-0-3) 
Role of psychological factors in exercise and physical activity. Theories of motivation and exercise behavior examined. Effective interventions for increasing exercise participation and adherence also explored.
KINS 3126 Recognition and Evaluation of Athletic Injuries (3-0-3) 
This course will examine signs and symptoms of common athletic injuries. Techniques for recognition, evaluation, and immediate care are emphasized.

Freshman or Sophomore students may not enroll.

KINS 3135 Kinesiology (3-0-3) 
Analysis of movement from an anatomical and biomechanical perspective. Major emphasis on anatomical kinesiology - origins, insertions, nomenclature, actions of skeletal muscle. Biomechanical analysis of movement and sport skills.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 2221 with a minimum grade of C or BIOL 2221K with a minimum grade of C or BIOL 2251K with a minimum grade of C
KINS 3165 Principles of Sport Coaching (3-0-3) 
An in-depth study of the functions, theory, and techniques of coaching sports. The rules for coaching various sports, coaching standards, and officiating will be presented.
KINS 3217 Physical Education in the Elementary School (2-4-4) 
Prerequisites: Admission to teacher education. The content and methods of teaching physical education in the elementary school; emphasis on movement education games curriculum. Laboratory experience required.
Prerequisite(s): Admitted to Teacher Education with a score of Y
KINS 3218 Developing Movement Skills in Elementary Education (3-0-3) 
Content and methods for developing movement skills in preschool through grade five.
Prerequisite(s): Admitted to Teacher Education with a score of Y

Enrollment limited to students major in Elementary Education.

KINS 3232 Exercise Leadership (2-2-3) 
Prerequisite: KINS 3135 with a grade of "C" or better. Materials, methods, and laboratory experiences in exercise leadership. Appropriate techniques of exercise instruction in group and individual settings covered. Special emphasis given to certification guidelines in exercise leadership
Prerequisite(s): KINS 3135 with a minimum grade of C or EXSC 3135 with a minimum grade of C
KINS 3255 Coaching and Officiating Baseball (1-2-2) 
Preparation of students to coach and/or officiate baseball.
KINS 3256 Coaching and Officiating Basketball (1-2-2) 
KINS 3257 Coaching and Officiating Softball (1-2-2) 
KINS 3258 Coaching and Officiating Football (1-2-2) 
Preparation of students to coach and/or officiate football.
KINS 3316 Teaching Dance (0-2-1) 
This course is designed to build a foundation of skills for teaching dance in a variety of settings, primarily in the schools P-12. Teaching experiences using dance in a variety of classroom settings is a fundamental component of the course.
KINS 3365 Coaching Youth Sports (0-2-1) 
Planning, organizing, and coaching youth sports.
KINS 4000 Fitness Testing for Health and Physical Education Certification Concentration (0-0-0) 
Students will participate in health- related fitness tests to include: one-mile walk, curl-ups, push-ups, and sit-and-reach. This addresses a Georgia PSC standard in Health and Physical Education. S/U grading.
KINS 4131 Exercise Physiology (3-0-3) 
A study of the acute responses and chronic adaptations to exercise. Emphasis given to bioenergetics, cardiorespiratory function, thermoregulation, and conditioning.
Prerequisite(s): (BIOL 2221K with a minimum grade of C or BIOL 2251K with a minimum grade of C) and (BIOL 2222K with a minimum grade of C or BIOL 2252K with a minimum grade of C) and KINS 4331 (may be taken concurrently)
KINS 4133 Exercise Prescription (3-0-3) 
Prerequisite: KINS 4232 with a minimum grade of C.. Exercise programming strategies for a variety of populations. ACSM guidelines emphasized.
Prerequisite(s): KINS 4232 with a minimum grade of C or EXSC 4232 with a minimum grade of C
KINS 4135 Pathophysiology for Exercise Science Professions (3-0-3) 
Prerequisite: BIOL 2222K with a grade of "C" or better and Junior standing. Course will examine the pathophysiology of selected diseases and conditions relevant to the exercise science professional. Emphasis on the natural history of atherosclerosis and the disease process of cardiovascular disease risk factors. Pulmonary, metabolic, and other conditions explored.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 2222K with a minimum grade of C or BIOL 2252K with a minimum grade of C

Freshman or Sophomore students may not enroll.

KINS 4137 Nutritional Bases of Human Performance (3-0-3) 
Prerequisite: Junior standing. An examination of digestive/absorptive processes, energy and nutrient requirements for health and performance, dietary fads among athletes, the relationship of sport and exercise to eating disorders, and related topics.

Freshman or Sophomore students may not enroll.

KINS 4146 Measurement and Evaluation in Kinesiology (3-0-3) 
Course will examine principles of testing, measurement, and evaluation. Emphasis on reliability and validity theory, basic statistical concepts, and applications to kinesiology and human performance.
Prerequisite(s): KINS 1105 with a minimum grade of C

Freshman or Sophomore students may not enroll.

KINS 4147 Organization and Administration (3-0-3) 
This course examines effective organization and leadership in Kinesiology-related professions. Course will cover organizational structures, management and leadership styles, risk management, emergency planning, budgeting and financial issues, and other administrative issues.

Freshman or Sophomore students may not enroll.

KINS 4149 Emergency Care Instructor Training (2-0-2) 
Prerequisite: PHED 2345. Knowledge, skills, and teaching expertise to achieve selected national instructor level certifications and to function as an emergency care instructor.
Prerequisite(s): PHED 2345
KINS 4215 Physical Education at the Middle Level (2-2-3) 
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education program. Introduction to the components of a quality middle school physical education program; young adolescent characteristics, middle level concept, and implications for teaching and curriculum. Emphasis on designing a developmentally appropriate program.
Prerequisite(s): Admitted to Teacher Education with a score of Y
KINS 4232 Exercise Testing (2-2-3) 
Prerequisite: KINS 4131 with a minimum grade of C. Materials and methods for risk assessment and fitness evaluation for a variety of populations. ACSM guidelines emphasized.
Prerequisite(s): KINS 4131 with a minimum grade of C or EXSC 4131 with a minimum grade of C
KINS 4245 Physical Activity for Students with Disabilities (2-2-3) 
Program development, teaching techniques, and activity adaptations for special populations.
KINS 4286 Advanced Techniques in Athletic Training (2-2-3) 
Prerequisite: BIOL 2221K with a minimum grade of C. In-depth study of the techniques involved in the prevention, evaluation, management, and rehabilitation of athletic injuries.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 2221K with a minimum grade of C
KINS 4317 Health Related Fitness Education (1-2-2) 
Prepares pre-service teachers to observe, teach, and assess student wellness in middle and high school. Emphasis on individualized fitness programs and the use of appropriate technology.
KINS 4331 Exercise Physiology Laboratory (0-2-1) 
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: KINS 4131 with a minimum grade of C. Laboratory experiences designed to reinforce lecture in KINS 4131.
Prerequisite(s): KINS 4131 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C or EXSC 4131 with a minimum grade of C
KINS 4335 Assessment in Physical Education (0-2-2) 
Emphasis on developing assessments for skill, fitness, knowledge and affective development.
Prerequisite(s): Admitted to Teacher Education with a score of Y
KINS 4337 Nutritional Bases of Human Performance Lab (0-2-1) 
Laboratory experience utilizing current software for dietary analysis and planning for apparently healthy adults.
KINS 4415 Coaching Practicum (0-4-2) 
Prerequisites: Kinesiology major or departmental approval. Supervised experiences in approved coaching settings. A minimum of 60 lab hours to be required with related seminars and group planning sessions. S/U grading.
KINS 4416 Teaching Practicum in Physical Education (0-4-2) 
Prerequisite: KINS 3217. Co-requisite: EDUF 4205. Designed to provide students with opportunities to observe and teach P-12 students in the public schools; emphasis on reflective teaching. (S/U grading.)
Prerequisite(s): KINS 3217 and EDUF 4205 (may be taken concurrently)
KINS 4698 Internship / Practicum (0-0-(3-12)) 
Supervised field experiences in approved agencies. Students will work in a professional setting to expand experience, knowledge, and skills in the field of Kinesiology. Senior standing (final semester) and departmental approval required to register.
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 1 times or 12 hours.

Enrollment limited to Senior students.

KINS 4899 Independent Study ((1-3)-0-(1-3)) 
Independent study in the area of Kinesiology supervised by a faculty member in the area of specialization. Course may be repeated for credit with permission of the department chair for a maximum of 6 credits.
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 2 times or 6 hours.

Freshman or Sophomore students may not enroll.

Enrollment limited to students in the Department Prerequisite college.

KINS 5133G Pharmacological Considerations for Exercise Testing and Training (3-0-3) 
An examination of commonly used drugs in the treatment of conditions and disorders including cardiac, pulmonary and metabolic diseases. The classifications, mechanism of action, and impact of drugs on exercise testing and training will be examined.

Enrollment limited to students in the BSER06 or MSER06 programs.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

KINS 5133U Pharmacological Considerations for Exercise Testing and Training (3-0-3) 
Prerequisites: KINS 4131 with a minimum grade of C. An examination of commonly used drugs in the treatment of conditions and disorders including cardiac, pulmonary and metabolic diseases. The classifications, mechanism of action, and impact of drugs on exercise testing and training will be examined.
Prerequisite(s): KINS 4131 with a minimum grade of C
KINS 5135G Program Design in Kinesiology and Health (3-0-3) 
Planning, implementing and evaluating programs in kinesiology and / or health related fields.

Enrollment limited to students in the BSER06 or MSER06 programs.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

KINS 5135U Program Design in Kinesiology and Health (3-0-3) 
Planning, implementing and evaluating programs in kinesiology and / or health related fields.
KINS 5136G Environmental Stress and Exercise (3-0-3) 
An examination of the effects of heat, cold, altitude, and hyperbaric conditions on human physiology at rest and exercise. Both acute and chronic adaptation to environmental stress will be examined.

Enrollment limited to students in the MSER06 program.

KINS 5136U Environmental Stress and Exercise (3-0-3) 
An examination of the effects of heat, cold, altitude, and hyperbaric conditions on human physiology at rest and exercise. Both acute and chronic adaptation to environmental stress will be examined.
Prerequisite(s): KINS 4131 with a minimum grade of C
KINS 5137G Electrocardiography (3-0-3) 
An examination of the electrophysiology of the heart, the electrocardiogram, identification of normal and abnormal rhythms, and 12-lead infarct patterns.

Enrollment limited to students in the MSER06 program.

KINS 5137U Electrocardiography (3-0-3) 
An examination of the electrophysiology of the heart, the electrocardiogram, identification of normal and abnormal rhythms, and 12-lead infarct patterns.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 2222K with a minimum grade of C or BIOL 2252K with a minimum grade of C
KINS 5145G Motor Learning and Performance (3-0-3) 
A course designed to study the processes and principles that underlie motor skill acquisition and performance.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

KINS 5145U Motor Learning and Performance (3-0-3) 
A course designed to study the processes and principles that underlie motor skill acquisition and performance.
KINS 5212G Principles of Strength and Conditioning (3-0-3) 
Testing, evaluation, appropriate exercise techniques, and programming to improve performance in athletic populations. National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) certification guidelines emphasized.

Enrollment limited to students in the BSER06 or MSER06 programs.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in the Department Prerequisite college.

KINS 5212U Principles of Strength and Conditioning (3-0-3) 
Testing, evaluation, appropriate exercise techniques, and programming to improve performance in athletic populations. National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) certification guidelines emphasized.
Prerequisite(s): (KINS 3135 with a minimum grade of C and KINS 4131 with a minimum grade of C) or (EXSC 3135 with a minimum grade of C and EXSC 4131 with a minimum grade of C) or (KINS 3135 with a minimum grade of C and EXSC 4131 with a minimum grade of C) or (EXSC 3135 with a minimum grade of C and KINS 4131 with a minimum grade of C)
KINS 5215G The Development of Motor Skills: A Lifespan Perspective (2-2-3) 
Examines developmental changes that occur in the acquisition of fundamental locomotor and manipulative skills; factors affecting development: information processing differences between children and adults and beginning and skilled performers.
Prerequisite(s): EDUC 2130 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

KINS 5215U The Development of Motor Skills: A Lifespan Perspective (2-2-3) 
Prerequisite: EDUF 2116 or EDUC 2130 with grade of "C" or better. Examines developmental changes that occur in the acquisition of fundamental locomotor and manipulative skills; factors affecting development: information processing differences between children and adults and beginning and skilled performers.
Prerequisite(s): EDUF 2116 with a minimum grade of C or EDUC 2130 with a minimum grade of C
KINS 5216G Physical Education in the Secondary School (2-4-4) 
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Curriculum development and methods of teaching physical education in the secondary school. Laboratory experience is required.
Prerequisite(s): Admitted to Teacher Education with a score of Y

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

KINS 5216U Physical Education in the Secondary School (2-4-4) 
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Curriculum development and methods of teaching physical education in the secondary school. Laboratory experience is required.
Prerequisite(s): Admitted to Teacher Education with a score of Y
KINS 5217G Physical Education in the Elementary School (1-4-3) 
The content and methods of teaching physical education in the elementary school; emphasis on movement education games curriculum. Laboratory experience required.
Prerequisite(s): Admitted to Teacher Education with a score of Y

Enrollment limited to Degree - Graduate students.

KINS 5217U Physical Education in the Elementary School (1-4-3) 
Prerequisites: Admission to teacher education. The content and methods of teaching physical education in the elementary school; emphasis on movement education games curriculum. Laboratory experience required.
Prerequisite(s): Admitted to Teacher Education with a score of
KINS 5218G Teaching Health in P-8 Schools (1-2-2) 
Methods of teaching health in P-8 school settings; curriculum requirements for health education; resources available for health instruction.
Prerequisite(s): Admitted to Teacher Education with a score of Y

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

KINS 5218U Teaching Health in P-8 Schools (1-2-2) 
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Methods of teaching health in P-8 school settings; curriculum requirements for health education; resources available for health instruction.
Prerequisite(s): Admitted to Teacher Education with a score of Y
KINS 5219G Teaching Health in High School (1-2-2) 
Methods of teaching health in high school settings; curriculum requirements for health education; resources available for health instruction.
Prerequisite(s): Admitted to Teacher Education with a score of Y

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

KINS 5219U Teaching Health in High School (1-2-2) 
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Methods of teaching health in the high school (9-12); curriculum requirements for health education; resources available for health instruction
Prerequisite(s): Admitted to Teacher Education with a score of Y
KINS 5485G Student Teaching in Health and Physical Education (0-40-10) 
Prerequisite: KINS 3217, KINS 4215 or PHED 6216, KINS 5216 and Admission to Teacher Education. Corequisites: KINS 4000. Observation and instruction in health and physical education. Cooperative supervision by selected P-12 teachers and college faculty. (S/U grading) (Course Fee Required)
Prerequisite(s): (KINS 3217 and KINS 4215) or (PHED 6216 and KINS 5216G) and Admitted to Teacher Education with a score of Y and KINS 4000 (may be taken concurrently)

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

KINS 5485U Student Teaching in Health and Physical Education (0-40-10) 
Observation and instruction in health and physical education. Cooperative supervision by selected P-12 teachers and college faculty. (S/U grading) (Course Fee Required)
Prerequisite(s): KINS 3217 with a minimum grade of C and KINS 4335 with a minimum grade of C and (KINS 5216U with a minimum grade of C or KINS 5216G (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C) and (KINS 5218U with a minimum grade of C or KINS 5218G with a minimum grade of C) and (KINS 5219U with a minimum grade of C or KINS 5218G with a minimum grade of C)
KINS 5545G Selected Topics in Kinesiology (0-0-(1-3)) 
Prerequisite: Departmental approval. Selected topics in Kinesiology. May be taken twice for credit.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

KINS 5545U Selected Topics in Kinesiology (0-0-(1-3)) 
KINS 5795G Seminar in Physical Education ((1-3)-0-(1-3)) 
A focused study of issues affecting physical education. Topics may vary between offerings. May be repeated.
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 1 times or 6 hours.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

KINS 5795U Seminar in Physical Education ((1-3)-0-(1-3)) 
Prerequisite: Junior standing. A focused study of issues affecting physical education. Topics may vary between offerings. May be repeated.

Freshman or Sophomore students may not enroll.