ITDS 1070 Digital Humanities Convocation (0-0-0)
ITDS 1125 Science in the Public Discourse: Modern and Hist Conflicts Between Natrl Sciences and Public Opinion (2-0-2)
ITDS 1145 Comparative Arts (3-0-3)
ITDS 1155 The Western Intellectual Tradition (3-0-3)
ITDS 1156 Understanding Non-Western Cultures (3-0-3)
ITDS 1774 Introduction to Digital Humanities (3-0-3)
ITDS 1779 Scholarship Across the Disciplines (2-0-2)
ITDS 1921 Rise of the Machines: The History and Future of Robotics (2-0-2)
ITDS 2105 The International Cross-Cultural Experience (0-0-0)
ITDS 2108 Medical Terminology II (2-0-2)
ITDS 2109 Spain in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (3-0-3)
ITDS 2125 Historical Perspectives on the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics (3-0-3)
ITDS 2205 The Re-Entry Experience for Study Abroad Students (1-0-1)
ITDS 2726 Introduction to Cultural Diversity (1-0-1)
ITDS 2727 Introduction to Interpersonal Skills (1-0-1)
ITDS 2735 Life and Career Planning (1-0-1)
ITDS 2746 Business and Society (1-0-1)
ITDS 2748 Topics in Global Issues (1-0-1)
ITDS 2749 Ethics and Legal Issues in the Professions (1-0-1)
ITDS 2755 Elements of Critical Thinking (1-0-1)
ITDS 2791 Interdisciplinary Pathways (1-0-1)
ITDS 2792 Information Literacy and Critical Analysis (1-0-1)
ITDS 2793 Interdisciplinary Research and Careers (1-0-1)
ITDS 2795 Lead Learners: Peer Tutors and Mentors ((0-1)-0-(0-1))
ITDS 2796 Leadership Development (1-0-1)
ITDS 2797 Undergraduate Research Journal Editing and Publishing (1-0-1)
ITDS 2799 Interdisciplinary Pathways (3-0-3)
ITDS 3099 Interdisciplinary Milestones (0-0-0)
ITDS 3115 Seven Revolutions in Global Change (3-0-3)
ITDS 4535 Selected Topics in Standardized Testing for Professionals (1-0-1)
ITDS 4698 Internship (0-0-3)
ITDS 4779 Digital Humanities Capstone (3-0-3)
ITDS 4799 Interdisciplinary Capstone (2-0-2)
ITDS 4901 Interdisciplinary Capstone Proposal (0-0-1)
ITDS 4902 Interdisciplinary Capstone (0-0-2)
ITDS 4999 Capstone (0-0-3)
ITDS 5105G History and Practice of Translation (3-0-3)
ITDS 5105U History and Practice of Translation (3-0-3)
ITDS 5555G Interdisciplinary Special Topics (3-0-3)
ITDS 5555U Interdisciplinary Special Topics (3-0-3)