EDUF - Education: Foundations

EDUF 4115 Classroom Management (2-0-2) 
Focuses on the concepts, principles and theories in implementing best practice classroom management. Surveys traditional approaches to behavior management and their limitations. Examines ways of creating positive, productive school climates and of structuring classrooms for success. Investigates methods which encourage home/school partnerships and the collaborative implementation of classroom discipline and management strategies.
Prerequisite(s): ARTE 4485 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C or EDCI 4485 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C or PELM 4485 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C or SPED 4485 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to students with the Admitted to Teacher Education attribute.

EDUF 4205 Technology for the 21st Century Classroom (1-2-2) 
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Co-requisite: concurrent enrollment in an approved course with field placement in a P-12 classroom. This course immerses teacher candidates in a technology-rich learning environment designed to build teacher skills in the following areas: use of modern technology, integration of Georgia Performance Standards, new designs for teaching and learning, classroom management and enhanced pedagogical practice. (S/U grading)
Prerequisite(s): Admitted to Teacher Education with a score of Y

Enrollment limited to students with the Admitted to Teacher Education attribute.

EDUF 5899U Independent Study (0-0-(2-6)) 
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education and Department Chair Approval. This course is designed to accommodate the special needs of students requiring a specific area of expertise. Course may be repeated once for credit.
Prerequisite(s): Admitted to Teacher Education with a score of Y
EDUF 6000 M.Ed. Exit Examination (0-0-0) 
Satisfactory grade indicates completion of the exit examination for the M.Ed. degree. (S/U grading).

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

EDUF 6111 Assessment in Education (1-0-1) 
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. This course focuses on developing appropriate assessments to evaluate classroom instruction and using assessment data to improve teaching and learning in the P-12 classroom.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology: Achievement for Diverse Learners (3-0-3) 
The interrelationship between motivation, learning and teaching, including critical thinking skills, with emphasis on application to the needs of diverse learners.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

EDUF 6116 Educational Research Methods (3-0-3) 
Introduction to qualitative and quantitative research methods and statistical procedures. Emphasis on systematic teacher inquiry and data-driven decision making to improve student achievement.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

EDUF 6117 Adult Learners and Learning (3-0-3) 
This course provides adult learning theories, models, principles, and strategies, applied to the workplace. Throughout this course, an atmosphere conducive to adult learners will be modeled to exhibit strong interpersonal skills that facilitate application of adult learning theories across practice. The course is targeted for those who work with adults.
EDUF 6125 Classroom Management (2-0-2) 
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. Concepts, principles, theories, and strategies for best practice classroom management. Focus is on creating and maintaining positive and productive school climates and classroom success. Home-school partnerships and collaborative implementation of classroom discipline are emphasized.
Prerequisite(s): Admitted to Teacher Education with a score of Y

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

EDUF 6795 Seminar: Foundations of Collaborative Student Support (1-0-1) 
Seminar designed to enhance understanding of professional educators regarding the interrelated roles of school personnel; a collaborative teaching strategy employed to better prepare teachers, counselors, and leaders for the job of improving student academic success and achievement.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Education, Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Education, Master of Music, Master of Science or Specialist in Education degrees.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

EDUF 7115 Psychology of Teaching (3-0-3) 
An advanced critical examination of research and theories relevant to effective teaching, including motivation, learning theories, at-risk students, classroom management, cooperative learning, self-esteem, social learning and others.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Specialist in Education degree.

EDUF 7116 Applied Educational Research: Assessing and Monitoring Student Achievement (3-0-3) 
Advanced applications of qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods research with consideration of historical, descriptive, correlational, causal-comparative, and experimental studies. Emphasis on data collection and analysis to assess and monitor student achievement.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Specialist in Education degree.

EDUF 7117 Quantitative Research (3-0-3) 
Designed to advance participants ability to gather, analyze, interpret, and utilize data for making decisions. Material will be presented to facilitate conceptual understanding of fundamental statistical methods used by educators, leaders, and counselors. Emphasis is on data collection and analysis to assess and monitor individual and program improvement.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Specialist in Education degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

EDUF 7118 Qualitative Research Methods (3-0-3) 
Qualitative research course is designed to build upon master's level educational research course. Advanced applications of qualitative assumptions, theories, and practices will be presented. Emphasis is on design, collection and analysis of qualitative data to assess and monitor professional practice.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Specialist in Education degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

EDUF 7128 Advanced and Multivariate Statistical Methods (3-0-3) 
Prerequisite: Admission into Doctoral Degree Program and completion of EDUF 7126. Advanced statistics class examining the simultaneous analysis of multiple independent and dependent variables. Emphasis on data collection and analysis to answer complex questions asked by educators and leaders. Cutting-edge analytic technology will be included.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

EDUF 8000 Ed.D. Dissertation Defense (0-0-0) 
Doctoral Program Director approval required. A satisfactory grade in the course indicates a successful oral defense of the dissertation, the completion of edits and approval by the advisor or committee, and submission to the library. Degree candidates must be enrolled during the semester of their defense. S/U grading.

Enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Education degree.

EDUF 8117 Qualitative Research Methods (3-0-3) 
The qualitative research course is designed to assist doctoral candidates with research methodology. Advanced applications of qualitative assumptions, theories, and practices will be presented. Emphasis is on the design, collection and analysis of qualitative data to assess and describe research development in qualitative environments.

Enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Education degree.

EDUF 8118 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods (3-0-3) 
This course will examine the value of qualitative research design in understanding social and behavioral phenomena with a primary focus on narrative approaches to qualitative inquiry.
Prerequisite(s): EDUF 8117 with a minimum grade of B

Enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Education degree.

EDUF 8125 Mixed Methods Research in Education (3-0-3) 
This course provides an overview of mixed methods research, particularly as it relates to educational research. Specifically, mixed methods research is put into historical context, and examined as a third research paradigm. In doing so, attention is given to the progression and methodological uncertainties related to the definition, philosophical assumptions, designs and analytic approaches. The applied nature of the course will address strategies for conducting, reporting, and evaluating mixed methods research in education.
Prerequisite(s): EDUF 8126 with a minimum grade of B and EDUF 8117 with a minimum grade of B
EDUF 8126 Introduction to Statistical Methods in Education (3-0-3) 
Advance participants ability to gather, analyze, interpret, and utilize descriptive and inferential statistics. Facilitate conceptual understanding of fundamental statistical methods used by educators and leaders for individual and program improvement.

Enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Education degree.

EDUF 8127 Quantitative Experimental Research (3-0-3) 
This course is designed to advance students’ ability to analyze, interpret, and utilize data using experimental designs. Material will be presented to facilitate a conceptual and practical understanding of statistical methods beyond their fundamental knowledge so that students can effectively consume and produce scholarly research. The emphasis of this class rests on various univariate statistical models rooted in the ANOVA model, as well as analysis and interpretation.
Prerequisite(s): EDUF 8126 with a minimum grade of B
EDUF 8128 Advanced Quantitative Research Methods (3-0-3) 
Advanced statistics class examining the simultaneous analysis of multiple independent and dependent variables. Emphasis on data collection and analysis to answer complex questions asked by educators and leaders. Cutting-edge analytic technology will be included.
Prerequisite(s): EDUF 8126

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

EDUF 8129 Developing the Dissertation Prospectus (3-0-3) 
This course is designed to prepare candidates to develop a dissertation prospectus for presentation to a committee and to gain the knowledge necessary to complete the EdD dissertation.
Prerequisite(s): EDUF 8127 with a minimum grade of B and EDUF 8117 with a minimum grade of B and EDUF 8125 with a minimum grade of B

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of Educ Health Prof college.

EDUF 8135 Survey and Questionnaire Design (3-0-3) 
This course outlines the procedures for designing surveys and questionnaires. In addition, the course outlines the process for collecting and analyzing pilot data to determine validity and reliability. This course also outlines the procedure for designing and administering qualitative instruments, and analyzing data obtained from them. For both objectives, this course covers the process of collecting and analyzing pilot data to determine validity and reliability.
Prerequisite(s): EDUF 8126 with a minimum grade of B
EDUF 8136 Scholarly Writing in Education (3-0-3) 
This course provides an in-depth study of various publications within the field of education, the scholarly writing process, and the publication process. Students will analyze specific components of a selected publication to determine how authors construct their literature reviews, research findings, and discussion. Students will compose a scholarly writing piece based on their findings.

Enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Education degree.

EDUF 8505 Selected Topics in Educational Foundations (3-0-3) 
This course provides an opportunity for in-depth examination of selected topics in educational foundations. Content may vary from semester to semester in an attempt to include topics of current interest and importance.
EDUF 8701 Doctoral Seminar I (1-0-1) 
This course explores the rationale for pursuing a doctorate in curriculum and leadership within the context of personal preferences, professional competencies, and organizational politics. Students are provided an orientation to the Ed.D program in anticipation of the tremendous demand for performance.
EDUF 8702 Doctoral Seminar II (1-0-1) 
This course provides an overview of the dissertation process as well as the role of the committee in the dissertation writing. Students are provided an overview of scholarly writing as well as APA (current edition) guidelines.
Prerequisite(s): EDUF 8701 with a minimum grade of C
EDUF 8703 Doctoral Seminar III (1-0-1) 
This course provides students with an overview of the requirements and structure of a doctoral dissertation, including guidance for formulating a research question and critically evaluating the research methods within empirical studies.
Prerequisite(s): EDUF 8702 with a minimum grade of C
EDUF 8996 Prospectus Defense (0-0-0) 
Doctoral Program Director approval required. A satisfactory grade in the course indicates a successful oral defense of the Prospectus, the completion of edits, and the approval of the advisor or committee. Doctoral students must be enrolled during the semester of the Prospectus defense.
EDUF 8998 Proposal Defense (0-0-0) 
Doctoral Program Director approval required. A satisfactory grade in the course indicates a successful oral defense of the Proposal, the completion of edits, and the approval of the advisor or committee. Doctoral students must be enrolled during the semester of the Proposal defense.
EDUF 8999 The Dissertation (0-0-(0-9)) 
This course is designed to assist candidates as they complete the development of a dissertation proposal, select a committee, present the proposal to the committee for approval, conduct a study, analyze, present and discuss data, complete and defend the dissertation. The candidate will be enrolled in this course for a minimum of nine semester hours. The chair of the committee will serve as the instructor of record.
Prerequisite(s): EDUF 8129 with a minimum grade of C
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 29 times or 32 hours.

Enrollment limited to students in a Doctor of Education degree.