ARTS - Art: Studio

ARTS 1000 Art Convocation (0-1-0) 
A laboratory experience to include student exhibitions, presentations, guest artists, master classes, lectures, field trips and administration of entrance evaluation for Visual arts majors. May be repeated. Attendance by non-majors is encouraged.
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 4 times or 5 hours.
ARTS 1010 Art Foundation: Explorations of Drawing (0-6-3) 
This cross-disciplinary studio foundation course explores the visual language of drawing. Through observational investigations, students will discover the mechanisms of visual perception and how individual components of a design relate to the organization of a composition. Drawing will be examined as a process, technical skill, and method for communicating visual ideas connected to a contemporary practice in the visual arts.
ARTS 1020 Art Foundation: 2D and Digital (0-6-3) 
This cross-disciplinary studio course explores design elements and principles as the basic means of organizing two-dimensional space. Each student develops the ability to form strategies, concepts and ideas to enhance and articulate creative expression through the use of analog processes, digital media, and imaging software.
ARTS 1030 Art Foundation: 3D and Site (0-6-3) 
This cross-disciplinary studio foundation course investigates three-dimensional design. Students will explore various fundamental principles of the physical, spatial and temporal phenomena in visual art and design. Special emphasis will be given to the creative process and problem solving.
ARTS 1100 Art Appreciation (3-0-3) 
Art 1100 is a 3 semester-credit-hour course focused on fostering an awareness, understanding, and appreciation for the visual arts. Through exposure to cross-cultural art images throughout history, students will build a global artistic vocabulary that allows for the constructive analysis of art objects. Students will also gain an understanding of the influence of art on other important aspects of culture including politics, history, religion, and science. Available through eCore.
ARTS 1705 Art Foundation: Seminar (1-5-3) 
This seminar course for incoming Art Studio majors is designed to develop creative strategies and orient students to the Department and University. Through discussion, in-class exercises, field-trips, and out-of-class assignments, students will gain knowledge of arts related resources and programming in the Columbus community. Students will acquire skills for a sustained career in the visual arts, including an introduction to professional practices and portfolio development.
ARTS 2000 Art Foundation: Portfolio Review (0-0-0) 
This First Year Portfolio Review allows the Studio Faculty to gauge the student’s level of fundamental skills, a command of materials, and a dedication to a sustainable art practice through their portfolio submission. BA in Studio Art majors may use this portfolio review as their application for admittance into the BFA in Studio Art Degree. (S/U grading) May only be taken twice for consideration as admittance into the BFA Degree.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 1010 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D and ARTS 1020 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D and ARTS 1030 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D and (ARTH 2125 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D or ARTH 2126 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D)
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 1 times or 0 hours.
ARTS 2010 Figure Drawing (0-6-3) 
This course will focus on the human body as an observed and drawn subject. Perception of proportion and anatomy will be developed and enhanced. Composition will be examined through foreground and middle distance. Color, formal language, and observational discipline will be explored.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 1010 with a minimum grade of C
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 3 times or 12 hours.
ARTS 2011 Drawing: Perspective & Synthesis (0-6-3) 
This course will explore classical perspective as a way to describe distance using geometric principles. Perceptive skills developed from observational practice will be employed to draft unseen environments employing principles, memories and formulas. Once environmental calculation is established, more nuanced subjects will be introduced.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 1010 with a minimum grade of C
ARTS 2210 Art for Non-Majors (2-2-3) 
A basic introduction to art concepts, processes, and media for non-art majors.

Students cannot enroll who have a major in Art or Art Education.

ARTS 2248 Ceramics I (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 1030 This course will be an introductory course for students without any prior experience in ceramics. Through assignments, demonstrations, presentations, lectures, critiques & discussions, students will be introduced to the basic forming & glazing techniques in the field of ceramics. Students will also explore historical and contemporary approaches & methods in relation to the medium.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 1030
ARTS 2705 Art Seminar: Professional Practice (1-5-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 1705. This course will cover the business of art and design, visual documentation, professional presentation, and development strategies for a variety of careers in the arts. Course content will introduce students to basic business practices including self-promotion, filing taxes, copyright, pricing and selling artwork/design services, resume building, and will include programming in the Atlanta area. Students will leave this course with an understanding of how to develop and maintain a career in the arts following graduation.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 1705 with a minimum grade of C
ARTS 3000 Pre-Exhibit Review (0-0-0) 
Satisfactory grade in this course indicates completion of a pre-exhibit review for the BFA degree in Art or the BSEd Degree in Art Education. (S/U grading)
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 2000
ARTS 3021 Graphic Design I (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 1010 and ARTS 1020. An introduction to the study of letter forms for their aesthetic and communicative value. Typographic fundamentals of the history of type, classification, visual space, hierarchy, grid systems and expressive typography will be explored.
Prerequisite(s): (ARTS 1010 and ARTS 1020)
ARTS 3237 Figure Drawing (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 1011. Basic concepts of figure drawing leading to the understanding of the structure of the human figure as applied to visual expression. May be taken three times for credit.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 2011 with a minimum grade of C or ARTS 2010 with a minimum grade of C
ARTS 3245 Papermaking and Book Arts (0-6-3) 
This course focuses on Eastern and Western approaches to handmade paper and book making. The student will work with fibers such as abaca, cotton and recycled paper, to make both flat and dimensional paper. We will explore traditional and non-traditional book binding methods, paper marbling techniques and image transfer processes. We will approach both the material (paper), and format (book) as visual objects, as well as vehicles for idea and image. May be repeated once for credit.
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 1 times or 6 hours.
ARTS 3256 Painting I (0-6-3) 
Prerequisites: ARTS 1011 and ARTS 1020. A basic studio introduction to the materials and methods of painting.
Prerequisite(s): (ARTS 2010 with a minimum grade of D or ARTS 1010 with a minimum grade of D) or (ARTS 2011 with a minimum grade of D or ARTS 1011 with a minimum grade of D)
ARTS 3265 Photography I (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 1020 with a grade of "C" or better or permission of instructor. Introductory photographic theory, techniques and processes and their application.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 1020 with a minimum grade of C
ARTS 3266 Digital Photography (0-6-3) 
This is a studio art course encompassing basic applications of digital photography emphasizing contemporary practices and conceptual approaches. The class will focus on proper image scanning and fine printing techniques via computer based output.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 1020 with a minimum grade of C
ARTS 3278 Printmaking: Traditional Media (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 1010. This course introduces the methodologies and concepts of traditional printmaking processes. These processes include basic technical processes of image making in lithography, intaglio, relief, and monotype. It exposes students to an overview of the tools, methods and materials for making printed artworks with particular focus on how manual printing and traditional techniques relate to contemporary concepts and individual art practice.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 1010 with a minimum grade of D
ARTS 3288 Techniques of Sculpture (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 1030. This course will explore a variety of materials and techniques concerning form in space. We will also further research the evolution of three-dimensional forms and the content or meaning of sculpture. There will be an investigation of materials such as metal, wood, plaster, and many other nontraditional materials. Through rigorous critiques, students investigate their artistic intentions and how these are executed through the work to create meaning. The objective of this course is to guide students toward a thorough understanding and articulation of their work within larger cultural, theoretical, and historical contexts. (Course fee required)
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 1030 with a minimum grade of D
ARTS 3305 Art Seminar: Contemporary Theory & Practice (1-5-3) 
This interdisciplinary seminar course, examines the theoretical and philosophical implications of contemporary art and design by examining questions of production, value, ideology, semiotics, and postmodernism through readings, discussions, written assignments, and presentations. Students will acquire the skills needed write a competitive graduate school application, pursue a research project that contextualize their artwork, and will gain knowledge of arts related resources and programming throughout the region.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 2705 with a minimum grade of D

Enrollment limited to students major in Art.

ARTS 3306 Interdisciplinary Methods (0-6-3) 
Prerequisites: Sophomore Standing. This course is a studio-laboratory environment for transdisciplinary, cross-media experimentations in the overlap of traditional mediums with one or more of the following: time-based, performance, relational, video/electronic arts, installation, light/space, and locational/spatial practices. The course is designed to be taught by any studio faculty whose material expertise and focus will vary. Students are encouraged to develop new methods and sites to realize their ideas and concepts through material, process, form, and technology.

Freshman students may not enroll.

ARTS 3307 Alternative Drawing Media (0-6-3) 
Prerequisites: Junior Standing. This course takes an experimental approach to the question, “What is drawing?” We will explore traditional definitions and techniques of drawing and investigate connections between drawing and other disciplines.

Freshman or Sophomore students may not enroll.

ARTS 3308 Visiting Artist: Studio Workshops and Investigations (0-(2-6)-(1-3)) 
Each year, nationally and internationally artists of all media are brought to CSU. This studio course provides the opportunity for students to work in depth within a designated period of time in the form of intensive workshops or a semester course. Students will earn 1 credit for every 25 hours of studio time. The course is designed to be taught by visiting artists; meaning the course content will reflect the material expertise and research subject(s) of the visiting artist. The course may be repeated up to three times for credit.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 2000 with a minimum grade of S
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 2 times or 3 hours.
ARTS 3309 Printmaking: Photo & Digital (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 1020. This course introduces the methodologies and concepts of printmaking techniques that utilize photo-based processes and digital applications. These processes include screenprint, photo-etching, photolithography and digital printing. It exposes students to an overview of the tools, methods and materials for making prints with particular focus on how photo-processes and digital applications expand technical and conceptual possibilities.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 1020 with a minimum grade of D
ARTS 3310 Expanded Media (0-6-3) 
Pre-req: ARTS1020 and ARTS1030. A studio-laboratory environment for transdisciplinary, cross-media experimentations in time-based, performance, relational, video/electronic arts, installation, light/space, and locational/spatial practices. Students are encouraged to develop new methods to realize their ideas and concepts through material, process, form, and technology. Students will create works individually or in small groups that use multiple processes. Projects will embrace recent developments in installation, performance, sculpture, new media, video, photography, and inter-genre art.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 1020 with a minimum grade of D and ARTS 1030 with a minimum grade of D
ARTS 3311 Materials Studies (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 1030. Throughout history, artists have explored a variety of materials, both high- and low-tech, which best suit their particular form of expression. This is a studio class, designed for advanced art students, interested in non-traditional materials as a means to express one’s view in a 3-D format. In this class, students will examine the physical and conceptual limitations of material.(course fee required)
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 1030 with a minimum grade of D
ARTS 3315 Fundamentals of Animation (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: (ARTS 1010) Drawing l and (ARTS 1020) 2D and Digital Design with a grade of "C" or better. This course is designed to present students with an introduction into the computer animation production pipeline. Throughout the semester students will be exposed to multiple introductory topics including: character animation, asset creation/modeling, UV mapping, texturing, lighting and rendering for digital animation.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 1010 with a minimum grade of C ARTS 1020 with a minimum grade of C
ARTS 3348 Ceramics II Wheel-throwing (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 2248 This course will be an intermediate course for students with previous experience in ceramics. Through assignments, demonstrations, presentations, critique & discussions, students will be introduced to the basic forming & glazing techniques in wheel throwing. Students will also explore historical and contemporary approaches & methods in relation to the medium.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 2248
ARTS 3349 Ceramics II Slip Casting (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 2248 This course will be an intermediate course for students with previous experience in ceramics. Through assignments, demonstrations, presentations, critique & discussions, students will be introduced to the basic forming & glazing techniques in slip casting. Students will also explore historical and contemporary approaches & methods in relation to the medium.
Prerequisite(s): (ARTS 2248 with a minimum grade of C and ARTS 1030 with a minimum grade of C and ARTS 2125 with a minimum grade of C) or (ARTS 2248 with a minimum grade of C and ARTS 1030 with a minimum grade of C and ARTH 2126 with a minimum grade of C)
ARTS 3555 Selected Topics in Studio Art (0-(4-6)-(1-3)) 
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. A study of various media and techniques in the visual arts. The course may be repeated for credit if the medium or process is different.
ARTS 4010 BA Thesis: Portfolio Submission (0-0-0) 
This capstone course will culminate in the submission of the students’ artistic research through a digital portfolio of 8-10 pieces. Students will work with their professor to create a portfolio that displays the technical, creative, and intellectual skill of the student in one or more artistic medium. (S/U grading)

Enrollment limited to Senior students.

Enrollment limited to students major in Art, Art Education, Art Education - Teacher Cert, Art History or Art.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of the Arts college.

ARTS 4021 Graphic Design II (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 3021 with a minimum grade of C. An in-depth exploration of graphic design with an emphasis on developing students’ abilities to find creative and functional solutions to a diverse range of design problems. Students will conduct research, form opinions, foster ideas, learn to analyze and discuss graphic design work and begin to develop a design aesthetic.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 3021 with a minimum grade of C
ARTS 4236 Advanced Drawing (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 2010 and ARTS 2011. Application of design elements and principles in developing an individual understanding of pictorial space and organization. Experimentation with drawing media.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 2010 with a minimum grade of D or ARTS 2011 with a minimum grade of D
ARTS 4237 Narrative Illustration (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 2010 or 2011. In this course students use drawing and writing together to tell stories. The development of a short graphic novel is the goal of this course.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 2010 with a minimum grade of D or ARTS 2011 with a minimum grade of D

Freshman students may not enroll.

ARTS 4238 Drawing: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) 
Group and individual studio problems in drawing disciplines and media. Focuses on techniques and theory; research and production are required. May be taken twice for credit by undergraduate students.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 4236 with a minimum grade of C
ARTS 4256 Painting II (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 3256. Materials and methods of painting involving skill development and independent investigation. (Course fee required)
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 3256
ARTS 4265 Photography II (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 3265 with a grade of "C" or better. An intermediate study of black and white photographic processes with emphasis on refining technical skills and developing a personal approach to subject matter and content. In addition, historical and contemporary connections will be made to establish relevance in student work.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 3265 with a minimum grade of C
ARTS 4278 Printmaking: Contemporary Approaches & Hybrid Prints (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS2000. This class explores a contemporary approach to print based image making through working with a range of quickly translated, multi-process, and experimental printmaking techniques. These processes include image transfers, pressure prints, monoprints, screenprint, and relief. It exposes students to an overview of the tools, methods and materials for making prints with particular focus on how collaboration and hybrid applications expand technical and conceptual possibilities.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 2000 with a minimum grade of D
ARTS 4288 Explorations in Metal Fabrication (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 3288 or ARTS 3310 or ARTS 3311. The emphasis of this course is to introduce students to various metal working processes and materials. In this course, students will develop their technique by exploring steel fabrication, welding, and various other hot and cold metalworking skills. It is expected that through mastery and the application of these processes as a means to an end, students will combine formal and conceptual subject matter to articulate their artistic direction. (Course fee required)
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 3288 with a minimum grade of D or ARTS 3310 with a minimum grade of D or ARTS 3311 with a minimum grade of D
ARTS 4306 Site Specific Sculpture and Installation (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 3288 or ARTS 3311 or ARTS 3310. In this class students will be asked to discuss, research, design and create site-specific sculptures, which take into account the planning and building in relation to a specific space, place or locale. Students will choose sites, get permission for the uses of the sites, and develop models and proposals for projects on those sites. (Course fee required)
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 3288 with a minimum grade of D or ARTS 3311 with a minimum grade of D or ARTS 3310 with a minimum grade of D
ARTS 4307 Printmaking Internship (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. This course brings collaborative printing, shop management and print creation into the classroom. The course is centered around the creation of a print project designed by a visiting artist or the course instructor and the student. Students will explore the relationship between printer and artist, develop printing skills in a variety of media, and engage in problem solving activities associated with both technical execution and conceptual development. Students will also gain experience in occupational specialties such as safety precautions, troubleshooting with students, shop management and upkeep.

Enrollment limited to students in the Department Prerequisite college.

ARTS 4315 Advanced Animation (0-6-3) 
This course provides an intermediate study into computer animation. During this course, students will be exposed to production practices such as: developing linear/non-linear narratives, pre-visualization techniques and refining character animations based on established principles. Additionally, this course also provides an in-depth overview of rendering and post-production techniques for computer animation.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 3315 with a minimum grade of C
ARTS 4316 Advanced modeling and surface Development (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 3315 Fundamentals of Animation with a grade of "C" or better. This course provides an intermediate study into 3D asset creation, digital sculpting, texturing and rigging for animation and interactive platforms. During this progression, students will study advanced character/asset creation procedures, refined practices in asset texture mapping, post-production presentation and character rigging.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 3315 with a minimum grade of C
ARTS 4357 Advanced Methods: Narrative Illustration (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 4237 Narrative Illustration. A study of the production of graphic novels. Students will examine the synthesis of words and drawn imagery as they produce short books of their own. Digital components and expanded narrative scope will be introduced.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 4237
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 2 times or 9 hours.
ARTS 4521 Graphic Design III (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 4021 with a minimum grade of C. An intermediate course which encourages students to further develop their design aesthetic by reflecting on personal and artistic identities while continuing to identify and communicate to a specific audience. The design and production of multi-page digital and printed publications, advanced design projects requiring skillful manipulation of text and images and the mastering of page layout software will be expected.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 4021 with a minimum grade of C
ARTS 4698 Internship (0-0-(3-15)) 
Prerequisite: Consent of Department chair. Directed observation and work experience with agencies, companies or departmental technical labs. Internships are offered to allow orientations in occupational specialties. Supervision is provided by an art staff member and the cooperating agency or company. Students must make arrangements with the department chair for internships prior to the semester in which they register for the course. (S/U grading.)
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 98 times or 15 hours.

Enrollment limited to students in the Department Prerequisite college.

ARTS 4699 Studio Arts Internship (0-0-(3-15)) 
Directed observation and work experience with studio artists. Students will have one on one contact with professional studio artists. Internships are offered to learn professional skills in an immersive studio environment. Supervision will be provided by the studio artist during consistent weekly work hours. Emphasis is placed on studio production and lab operations. Students must make arrangements with the artist prior to the semester in which they register for the course.

Enrollment limited to students in the Department Prerequisite college.

ARTS 4721 Graphic Design: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) 
In this culminating course, students will demonstrate a mature understanding of design practice through readings, research assignments, and studio work. Social, environmental, political, lin­guistic, philosophical, and cultural is­sues will be addressed through an independent, self-authored capstone project that requires experimentation, adaptability, and specialization.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 4521 with a minimum grade of C
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 2 times or 9 hours.
ARTS 4795 Professional Practice (3-0-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 3000. An introduction to methods and issues of professional presentation including written and visual documentation.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 3000

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Fine Arts or Bachelor of Science in Educ. degrees.

ARTS 4796 Art Seminar: Thesis Exhibition (1-5-3) 
Prerequisites: ARTS 3000 and ARTS 3305. This interdisciplinary capstone course will focus on presenting artwork for exhibition, exhibition design, installing artwork, and the completion of artistic research. Students in this course will be provided studio space to develop a self-directed creative project to be exhibited at the end of the semester. Additionally, students will gain professional public presentation skills by presenting their artistic research through completion of an oral presentation and written thesis.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 3000 with a minimum grade of D and ARTS 3305 with a minimum grade of D

Enrollment limited to students major in Art.

ARTS 4899 Independent Study (0-0-(1-3)) 
Prerequisite: Consent of Department chair and supervising faculty member. Open only to senior art majors. Students may submit a proposal to undertake independent projects or research under the direction of a faculty member. Independent study proposal must be completed and approved prior to registration. Independent study may not be used as a substitution for a regularly offered course. May be taken for a total of six semester hours.
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 98 times or 6 hours.

Enrollment limited to students in the Department Prerequisite college.

ARTS 5236G Drawing: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) 
Group and individual studio problems in drawing disciplines and media. Focuses on techniques and theory; research and production are required. May be taken twice for credit by undergraduate students.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

ARTS 5236U Drawing: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) 
Group and individual studio problems in drawing disciplines and media. Focuses on techniques and theory; research and production are required. May be taken twice for credit by undergraduate students.
ARTS 5248G Ceramics: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: Any two courses from ARTS 3248, ARTS 3448 or ARTS 3556 This course provides students with the opportunity to propose and develop a self-directed body of work in consultation with an instructor. Through research, discussion and writing, students are expected to increase their understanding of the content and context of their process and production. Students meet regularly, on an individual or group basis for critiques and discussion. Students are required to submit a typed, written proposal at the beginning of the course outlining their program of work; the proposal must be approved by an instructor.
Prerequisite(s): (ARTS 3248 and ARTS 3448) or (ARTS 3248 and ARTS 3556) or (ARTS 3448 and ARTS 3556)
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 3 times or 12 hours.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

ARTS 5248U Ceramics: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: Any two courses from ARTS 3248, ARTS 3448 or ARTS 3556. This course provides students with the opportunity to propose and develop a self-directed body of work in consultation with an instructor. Through research, discussion and writing, students are expected to increase their understanding of the content and context of their process and production. Students meet regularly, on an individual or group basis for critiques and discussion. Students are required to submit a typed, written proposal at the beginning of the course outlining their program of work; the proposal must be approved by an instructor.
Prerequisite(s): (ARTS 3248 and ARTS 3448) or (ARTS 3248 and ARTS 3556) or (ARTS 3448 and ARTS 3556)
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 3 times or 12 hours.
ARTS 5256G Painting: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 4256. Group and individual studio problems in painting disciplines and media. Focuses on techniques and theory; research and production are required. A research paper is required for all graduate students. May be taken twice for credit by undergraduate students.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

ARTS 5256U Painting: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 4256. Group and individual studio problems in painting disciplines and media. Focuses on techniques and theory; research and production are required. May be taken six times for credit by undergraduate students.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 4256 with a minimum grade of C
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 5 times or 18 hours.
ARTS 5265G Photography: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 4265 with a grade of C or better. Course covers large format photography instruction including view camera techniques and sheet film processing. Focus is on intensive practice as related to each student?s conceptual concerns using advanced techniques to produce a personal body of work. May be repeated four times for credit by undergraduate and graduate students.
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 4 times or 12 hours.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

ARTS 5265U Photography: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) 
Prerequisite: ARTS 4265 with a grade of C or better. Course covers large format photography instruction including view camera techniques and sheet film processing. Focus is on intensive practice as related to each student's conceptual concerns using advanced techniques to produce a personal body of work. May be repeated four times for credit by undergraduate and graduate students.
ARTS 5278G Advanced Printmaking (0-6-3) 
Prerequisites: ARTS 3309 or ARTS 3278 or ARTS 4278. This course is designed for printmaking students who are ready for substantial independent work in printmaking. Each student is expected to complete an independently developed project that forms a body of work related in content by the end of the semester. Professional execution and presentation are integral to achieving success in this course.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 3309 with a minimum grade of D or ARTS 3278 with a minimum grade of D or ARTS 4278 with a minimum grade of D

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

ARTS 5278U Advanced Printmaking (0-6-3) 
Prerequisites: ARTS 3309 and ARTS 3278 and ARTS 4278. This course is designed for printmaking students who have taken at least three printmaking courses (9 credits) and are ready for substantial independent work. Each student is expected to complete an independently developed project that forms a body of work related in content by the end of the semester. Professional execution and presentation are integral to achieving success in this course. May be taken three times for credit by undergraduate students.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 3278 with a minimum grade of D and ARTS 4278 with a minimum grade of D and ARTS 3309 with a minimum grade of D
ARTS 5288G Sculpture: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) 
Prerequisites: permission of instructor. Sculptural Explorations, Individual and collaborative problems in site-specific, installation and performance-based projects. Research and production required. May be repeated once for credit.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in the Department Prerequisite college.

ARTS 5288U Sculpture: Advanced Methods (0-6-3) 
This course is designed for sculpture students who have taken at least two sculpture courses (6 credits) and are ready for substantial independent work. Each student is expected to write artist and project statements and to complete an independently developed project that form a body of work related in content by the end of the semester. May be taken twice for credit by undergraduate students.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 4288 with a minimum grade of D or ARTS 4306 with a minimum grade of D
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 1 times or 6 hours.
ARTS 5315G Animation Studio I (0-6-3) 
Explores concepts of pre-production, prototyping and previsualization for computer animation. Students will participate in a rapid survey of different technologies and techniques centered around visual development for computer animation. May be repeated once for credit.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 4315 with a minimum grade of C and ARTS 4316 with a minimum grade of C
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 1 times or 6 hours.
ARTS 5315U Animation Studio I (0-6-3) 
Explores concepts of pre-production, prototyping and pre-visualization for computer animation. Students will participate in a rapid survey of different technologies and techniques centered around visual development for computer animation. May be repeated once for credit.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 4315 with a minimum grade of C and ARTS 4316 with a minimum grade of C
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 1 times or 6 hours.
ARTS 5316G Animation Studio ll (0-6-3) 
With an emphasis on collaborative production, this course builds on the visual and technical research established by students enrolled in the animation curriculum. With guidance, students will use their individual skills to contribute to a broader production environment. Students will propose, develop and present a narrative based animation project by semester's end. May be repeated once for credit.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 5315G with a minimum grade of C
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 1 times or 6 hours.
ARTS 5316U Animation Studio ll (0-6-3) 
With an emphasis on collaborative production, this course builds on the visual and technical research established by students enrolled in the animation curriculum. With guidance, students will use their individual skills to contribute to a broader production environment. Students will propose, develop and present a narrative based animation project by semester's end. May be repeated once for credit.
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 5315U with a minimum grade of C
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 1 times or 6 hours.
ARTS 6236 Drawing (0-6-3) 
Group and individual studio problems in drawing disciplines and media. Focus is on techniques and theory based on individual student needs and interests. Research and production required. May be taken twice for credit.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

ARTS 6256 Painting (0-6-3) 
Group and individual studio problems in painting disciplines and media. Focus is on techniques and theory based on individual student needs and interests. Research and production required. May be taken twice for credit.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

ARTS 6265 Photography (0-6-3) 
Group and individual studio problems in photography disciplines and media. Focus is on techniques and theory based on individual student needs and interests. Research and production required. May be taken twice for credit.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

ARTS 6277 Printmaking (0-6-3) 
Group and individual studio problems in printmaking disciplines and media. Focus is on techniques and theory based on individual student needs and interests. Research and production required. May be taken twice for credit. (Course fee required.)

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

ARTS 6285 Ceramics (0-6-3) 
Group and individual studio problems in ceramics disciplines and media. Focus is on techniques and theory based on individual student needs and interests. Research and production required. May be taken twice for credit.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

ARTS 6286 Graduate Problem: Studio (0-6-3) 
Studio project based on student's background and performance in other advanced courses. May be taken twice for credit.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

ARTS 6288 Sculptural Explorations (0-6-3) 
Sculptural Explorations, Individual and collaborative problems in site specific, installation and performance based projects. Research and production required. May be repeated once for credit. (Course fee required.)
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 1 times or 6 hours.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

ARTS 6698 Internship (0-0-(3-15)) 
Directed observation and work experience with agencies or companies. Internships are offered to allow orientation in occupational specialties. Supervision is provided by an art staff member and the cooperating agency or company. The student must make arrangements the department chair for the internship prior to registration for the course. (S/U grading.)
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 98 times or 15 hours.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Students in the Department Prerequisite college may not enroll.