Transfer Credit (Undergraduate)

Columbus State University accepts college level credits completed at accredited post-secondary institutions for transfer credit according to the following requirements:

  • To be acceptable for transfer credit, English composition courses (ENGL 1101 and 1102) must have been completed with a grade of C or higher.

  • To be acceptable for transfer credit, upper-level classes (3000 and above) must have been completed with a grade of C or higher. Exceptions to this may be appealed to the department, but the student should carefully consider the potential ramifications for financial aid eligibility before submitting an appeal.

  • If courses were taken on a pass/fail basis, a grade of Pass must be equivalent to a grade of C or better.

  • Vocational and occupational courses for which CSU does not have an equivalent are not acceptable for transfer credit.

  • No credit will be awarded for courses with a grade of W, WF, F, or U.

Recognition for placement in advanced courses will be given for previous work that is substantially equivalent to, and at the same level as, prerequisites at Columbus State University. Regardless of the total number of semester credit hours allowed in transfer, a student must complete at least 25 percent of the credits required for the degree at Columbus State University.

Requests for transfer credit will be considered for persons who have gained admission as transfer students and will be based on official transcripts supplied by colleges previously attended. For use in satisfying requirements for a degree, all work evaluated as valid transfer credit is subject to approval by the dean or chair of the appropriate academic unit.

Columbus State University uses the University System of Georgia uniform grading scale and does not accept plus/minus grades. When courses with plus/minus grades are transferred to CSU, these grades are equated to standard grades of A, B, C, D, or F on a 4.0 scale. Therefore, a grade of B- earned at an institution with plus/minus grades would become a B at CSU; a grade of B+ would also become a B.

Quarter hours are converted to semester hours by using the formula of one-quarter hour equals two-thirds of a semester hour. Students may view their academic record showing transfer course work in MyCSU.

Transfer students who have earned 30 or more credits are exempt from the First-Year Seminar requirement.

Students who have transferable academic associate degrees are granted core curriculum credit as follows:

  • A University System of Georgia transfer will get credit for completion of Core IMPACTS areas, provided they have not changed their major. Students who change their major will be granted transfer credit for core courses on a course-by-course basis.
  • Students who do not hold an associate degree from a USG institution will be granted transfer credit for core courses on a course-by-courses basis unless an applicable transfer articulation agreement has been signed by CSU and the institution that offered the associate degree.