Natural Sciences (MS) - Biology Track

Program of Study

Thesis Option

Area 1 Program Core
ENGL 5149GGrant Writing3
Area 1 Total3
Area 2 Thesis Option Program Concentration
BIOL 6795Biology Seminar Series (take 4 times for credit)4
BIOL 6215Principles of Experimental Design and Applications in Biology4
Select one Biology Elective from the following:3-4
Advanced Selected Topics in Cellular and Molecular Biology
Advanced Selected Topics in Organismic Biology
Advanced Selected Topics in Ecological and Evolutionary Biology
Selected Topics in Biology
Select 6-7 credits of any 5000+ BIOL, CHEM, ENVS, GEOL, GEOG with advisor approval 16-7
Area 2 Total18
Area 3 Thesis Option
BIOL 6931Master of Science Thesis Research (repeated for a total of 15 hours)15
BIOL 6000Masters Thesis Defense0
Area 3 Total15
Total Credit Hours36

Except BIOL 6821 Master of Science Literature / Topic Paper, which cannot be used in this area

Non-Thesis Option

Area 1 Program Core
ENGL 5149GGrant Writing3
Area 1 Total3
Area 2 Non-Thesis Option Program Concentration
BIOL 6795Biology Seminar Series (take 4 times for credit)4
BIOL 6215Principles of Experimental Design and Applications in Biology4
Select one Biology Elective from the following:3-4
Advanced Selected Topics in Cellular and Molecular Biology
Advanced Selected Topics in Organismic Biology
Advanced Selected Topics in Ecological and Evolutionary Biology
Selected Topics in Biology
Select 15-16 credits of any 5000+ ATSC, BIOL, CHEM, ENVS, GEOL, GEOG with advisor approval 115-16
Area 2 Total27
Area 3 Non-Thesis Option
Select 6 credit hours from the following:6
Master of Science Literature / Topic Paper
Master of Science Biology Internship
Area 3 Total6
Total Credit Hours36

Except BIOL 6821 Master of Science Literature / Topic Paper, which cannot be used in this area

Admission Requirements

In addition to the Columbus State University Graduate School Admissions requirements, all interested applicants must submit the following materials to be considered for admission for all tracks in the Natural Sciences program. 

  • Baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university, demonstrated excellent preparation in the Biological, Chemical, Environmental and/or Geological Sciences or permission of the program director.
  • Undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  • A one page statement of experience and interests.
  • Two letters of reference. References should come from persons familiar with the applicant's academic or professional experience

Additional Program Requirements

The maximum course load for a graduate student in a given semester is 12 semester hours. The maximum course load for a student holding a graduate assistantship is 10 semester hours.