Biology (BA) - Secondary Education Track

Program of Study

Core IMPACTS Area : Institutional Priorities 17
Take one of the following courses
Scholarship Across the Disciplines
Introduction to Servant Leadership
Perspectives 1-hour
Perspectives 2-hour
Please contact your advisor for the remaining hours.
Core IMPACTS Area : Mathematics & Quantitative Skills 13-7
DATA 1501Introduction to Data Science 3
MATH 1001Quantitative Skills and Reasoning3
MATH 1101Introduction to Mathematical Modeling3
MATH 1111College Algebra3
MATH 1113Pre-Calculus4
MATH 1125Applied Calculus3
MATH 1131Calculus with Analytic Geometry I4
MATH 1132Calculus with Analytic Geometry II4
MATH 1165Computer-Assisted Problem Solving3
MATH 1401Introduction to Statistics3
MATH 1501Calculus I4
MATH 2125Introduction to Discrete Mathematics3
STAT 1401Elementary Statistics3
Core IMPACTS Area : Political Science and U.S. History 6
HIST 2111U. S. History to 18653
or HIST 2112 U. S. History since 1865
POLS 1101American Government3
Core IMPACTS Area : Arts, Humanities, and Ethics 6
Select one Fine Arts course3
Art Appreciation
Introduction to the History of Art I– Prehistoric through Gothic
Introduction to the History of Art II– Renaissance through Modern
Music Appreciation
Theatre Appreciation
Comparative Arts 2
Select one Humanities course3
World Literature I
World Literature II
The Western Intellectual Tradition
Introduction to Digital Humanities
Introduction to Philosophy
Comparative Arts 2
Core IMPACTS Area : Communicating in Writing 6
ENGL 1101English Composition I3
ENGL 1102English Composition II3
Core IMPACTS Area : Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences 1,37-11
ANTH 1145Human Origins3
ASTR 1105Descriptive Astronomy: The Solar System3
ASTR 1106Descriptive Astronomy: Stars and Galaxies3
ASTR 1305Descriptive Astronomy Lab1
ATSC 1112Understanding the Weather3
ATSC 1112LUnderstanding the Weather Lab1
BIOL 1125Contemporary Issues in Biology Non-Lab3
BIOL 1215KIntroductory Biology4
BIOL 1225KContemporary Issues in Biology with Lab4
CHEM 1151
Survey of Chemistry I
and Survey of Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 1152
Survey of Chemistry II
and Survey of Chemistry II Lab
CHEM 1211
Principles of Chemistry I
and Principles of Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 1212
Principles of Chemistry II
and Principles of Chemistry II Lab
CPSC 1105Introduction to Computing Principles and Technology3
CPSC 1301KComputer Science I4
ENVS 1105Environmental Studies3
ENVS 1105LEnvironmental Studies Laboratory1
ENVS 1205KSustainability and the Environment4
GEOG 2215Introduction to the Geographic Information Systems3
GEOL 1110Natural Disasters: Our Hazardous Environment3
GEOL 1121Introductory Geoscience I: Physical Geology3
GEOL 1121LIntroductory Geoscience I: Physical Geology Lab1
GEOL 1122Introductory Geo-sciences II: Historical Geology3
GEOL 1322Introductory Geo-sciences II: Historical Geology Lab1
GEOL 2225The Fossil Record4
PHYS 1111
PHYS 1311
Introductory Physics I
and Introductory Physics I Lab
PHYS 1112
PHYS 1312
Introductory Physics II
and Introductory Physics II Lab
PHYS 1125Physics of Color and Sound3
PHYS 1325Physics of Color and Sound Lab1
PHYS 2211
PHYS 2311
Principles of Physics I
and Principles of Physics I Lab
PHYS 2212
PHYS 2312
Principles of Physics II
and Principles of Physics II Lab
Core IMPACTS Area : Social Sciences6
Select one Behavioral Science course
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Moral Philosophy
Introduction to General Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Select one World Cultures course3
Discovering Archaeology
Cultural Anthropology
Ancient World Civilizations
Language and Culture
Language and Culture
World Regional Geography
World History to 1500
World History since 1500
Understanding Non-Western Cultures
Core IMPACTS Total Hours42

The hours applied in the Institutional Priorities; Mathematics & Quantitative Skills; and Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences areas must add to 18 credit hours. 


ITDS 1145 Comparative Arts, though listed under both Fine Arts and Humanities, may be taken only once. 


At least 4 of the credit hours in this area must be in a lab science course.

Major Requirements

Core Requirements
Complete the core requirements for this program45
Field of Study Requirements
Minimum grade of C is required
BIOL 1107KPrinciples of Biology I4
BIOL 1108KPrinciples of Biology II4
BIOL 2206KOrganismic Biology I4
BIOL 2207KOrganismic Biology II4
Apply two hours of Guided Electives2
Field of Study Requirements Total18
Required for the Major
Minimum grade of C is required except for Foreign Language
BIOL 3215KCell Biology4
BIOL 3216KGenetics4
BIOL 3217KEcology4
BIOL 4795Capstone Senior Seminar2
Foreign Language 10013
Foreign Language 10023
Foreign Language 20013
Use a general elective to substitute for any foreign language courses tested out of or used in Core IMPACTS: Humanities
Select the following UTeach Columbus Courses (only two attempts allowed for each of the following courses):
SPED 4115Teaching Math and Science to Exceptional Learners (Students must earn a grade of B or better in order to be certified to teach in the state of Georgia.)2
UTCH 1201Step I: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching1
UTCH 1202Step II: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design1
UTCH 2105Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science3
UTCH 22033
UTCH 3205Classroom Interactions3
UTCH 3215Research Methods3
UTCH 4205Inquiry-Based Instruction3
UTCH 4485Student Teaching9
UTCH 4795Student Teaching Seminar1
Required for the Major Total52
Major Electives
Minimum grade of C is required
Select 3-4 credits from Cellular and Molecular Biology Electives3-4
Medical Genetics and Genomics
Developmental Biology
Histology and Histotechniques
Cell and Molecular Techniques
Introduction to Virology
Microbial Pathogenesis
Genomics and Bioinformatics Lab
Neuroscience Lab
Selected Topics in Cell and Molecular Biology
Select 3-4 credits from Ecological and Evolutionary Electives3-4
Aquatic Biology
Community Ecology
Conservation Genetics
Plant Ecology
Environmental Toxicology
Animal Communication
Selected Topics in Ecological and Evolutionary Biology
Major Electives Total7-8
General Electives
Select 0-4 credits0-4
General Electives Total
Total Credit Hours123

 If ITDS 2125 Historical Perspectives on the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics is not taken in Area C.


At least one course must include lab and/or field experience.

Program Map

Suggested four year course schedule with MATH 0999C or MATH 0999B

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FallCredit Hours
Institutional Priorities ITDS 1779 (2), LEAD 1705 (2), PERS 1506 (1; may be repeated with different topic), PERS 1507 (2) 1
Arts, Humanities, and EthicsFine Arts 3
Social StudiesWorld Culture 3
BIOL 1715 Professionalism and Careers in Biology (recommended Area F Guided Elective; minimum grade of C) 1
ENGL 1101 English Composition I (minimum grade of C) 3
MATH 1111 College Algebra (minimum grade of C) 1 3
Support for College Algebra B 2
or Support for College Algebra C
 Credit Hours14
BIOL 1107K Principles of Biology I (minimum grade of C) 4
CHEM 1211
Principles of Chemistry I
and Principles of Chemistry I Lab (minimum grade of C)
ENGL 1102 English Composition II (minimum grade of C) 3
MATH 1113 Pre-Calculus (minimum grade of C) 3 4
 Credit Hours15
Second Year
BIOL 1108K Principles of Biology II (minimum grade of C) 4
CHEM 1212
Principles of Chemistry II
and Principles of Chemistry II Lab (minimum grade of C)
ITDS 2125 Historical Perspectives on the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics (minimum grade of C) (Arts, Humanities, and Ethics area) 4 3
Institutional PrioritiesCOMM 1110 Public Speaking or foreign language 1001, 1002, 2001, 2002. (Recommend FL 1001 for BA Biology Sec Ed majors) 3
KINS 1106
Lifetime Wellness
or Concepts of Fitness
UTCH 1201 Step I: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching (minimum grade of C) 1
 Credit Hours17
BIOL 2206K Organismic Biology I (minimum grade of C) 4
BIOL 2207K Organismic Biology II (minimum grade of C) 4
Program RequirementsForeign Language 1002 (minimum grade of C) 3
STAT 1401 Elementary Statistics (minimum grade of C) 3
UTCH 1202 Step II: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design (minimum grade of C) 1
Health and WellnessPEDS Activity 1
 Credit Hours16
Third Year
BIOL 3215K Cell Biology (minimum grade of C) 4
BIOL 3216K Genetics (minimum grade of C) 4
Program RequirementForeign Language 2001 (minimum grade of C) 3
UTCH 2105 Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (minimum grade of C) 3
UTCH 3215 Research Methods (minimum grade of C) 3
 Credit Hours17
Social SciencesBehavioral Science 3
BIOL 3217K Ecology (minimum grade of C) 4
Program ElectivesBIOL Cell/Molecular Senior Elective (minimum grade of C) 4
Arts, Humanities, and EthicsHumanities 4 3
UTCH 3205 Classroom Interactions (minimum grade of C) 3
 Credit Hours17
Fourth Year
BIOL 4795 Capstone Senior Seminar (minimum grade of C) 2
Program ElectivesBIOL Ecology/Evolution Senior Elective (minimum grade of C) 4
HIST 2111
U. S. History to 1865
or U. S. History since 1865
POLS 1101 American Government 3
UTCH 4205 Inquiry-Based Instruction (minimum grade of C) 3
 Credit Hours15
SPED 4115 Teaching Math and Science to Exceptional Learners (minimum grade of B; see note below) 2
There is a recent rule change for certification from the GaPSC. As of July 1, 2019, students must make a B or higher in the Exceptional Children's course. The course could be any of the following depending on your major: SPED 2256, EDCI 6228, KINS 4245, SPED 4115, PHED 6219 This rule change will not affect your graduation but you cannot become a certified educator with the state of Georgia until you receive the grade of B or higher in this course.
UTCH 4485 Student Teaching 9
UTCH 4795 Student Teaching Seminar (minimum grade of C) 1
 Credit Hours12
 Total Credit Hours123

MATH 1111 College Algebra has 3 credits that will count in Program Requirements.


MATH 0999B (2 credits) or MATH 0999C (1 credit) do not count toward the degree. These courses are support courses, if needed, for MATH 1111 College Algebra.


MATH 1113 Pre-Calculus has 4 credits. Count 3 credits in Mathematics and Quantitative Skills and 1 credit in Field of Study.


ITDS 2125 Historical Perspectives on the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics is recommended in Arts, Humanities, and Ethics. It can be taken for Program Requirements.

Suggested four year course schedule with MATH 1111 College Algebra.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FallCredit Hours
Institutional Priorities ITDS 1779 (2), LEAD 1705 (2), PERS 1506 (1; may be repeated with different topic), PERS 1507 (2) 1
Arts, Humanities, and EthicsFine Arts 3
BIOL 1107K Principles of Biology I (minimum grade of C) 4
BIOL 1715 Professionalism and Careers in Biology (recommended Area F Guided Elective; minimum grade of C) 1
ENGL 1101 English Composition I (minimum grade of C) 3
MATH 1111 College Algebra (minimum grade of C) 1 3
 Credit Hours15
BIOL 1108K Principles of Biology II (minimum grade of C) 4
CHEM 1211
Principles of Chemistry I
and Principles of Chemistry I Lab (minimum grade of C)
ENGL 1102 English Composition II (minimum grade of C) 3
MATH 1113 Pre-Calculus (minimum grade of C) 2 4
 Credit Hours15
Second Year
BIOL 2206K Organismic Biology I (minimum grade of C) 4
CHEM 1212
Principles of Chemistry II
and Principles of Chemistry II Lab (minimum grade of C)
Institutional PrioritiesCOMM 1110 Public Speaking or foreign language 1001, 1002, 2001, 2002. (Recommend FL 1001 for BA Biology Sec Ed majors) 3
ITDS 2125 Historical Perspectives on the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics (minimum grade of C) 3 3
KINS 1106
Lifetime Wellness
or Concepts of Fitness
UTCH 1201 Step I: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching (minimum grade of C) 1
 Credit Hours17
BIOL 2207K Organismic Biology II (minimum grade of C) 4
BIOL 3216K Genetics (minimum grade of C) 4
Program RequirementsForeign Language 1002 (minimum grade of C) 3
Health and WellnessPEDS Activity 1
STAT 1401 Elementary Statistics (minimum grade of C) 3
UTCH 1202 Step II: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design (minimum grade of C) 1
 Credit Hours16
Third Year
BIOL 3215K Cell Biology (minimum grade of C) 4
Arts, Humanities, and EthicsHumanities 3 3
Program RequirementsForeign Language 2001 (minimum grade of C) 3
UTCH 2105 Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (minimum grade of C) 3
UTCH 3215 Research Methods (minimum grade of C) 3
 Credit Hours16
Social SciencesBehavioral Science 3
Social SciencesWorld Cultures 3
Program ElectivesBIOL Cell/Molecular Senior Elective (minimum grade of C) 4
BIOL 3217K Ecology 4
UTCH 3205 Classroom Interactions (minimum grade of C) 3
 Credit Hours17
Fourth Year
BIOL 4795 Capstone Senior Seminar (minimum grade of C) 2
Program ElectivesBIOL Ecology/Evolution Senior Elective (minimum grade of C) 4
HIST 2111
U. S. History to 1865
or U. S. History since 1865
POLS 1101 American Government 3
UTCH 4205 Inquiry-Based Instruction (minimum grade of C) 3
 Credit Hours15
SPED 4115 Teaching Math and Science to Exceptional Learners (minimum grade of B; see note below) 2
There is a recent rule change for certification from the GaPSC. As of July 1, 2019, students must make a B or higher in the Exceptional Children's course. The course could be any of the following depending on your major: SPED 2256, EDCI 6228, KINS 4245, SPED 4115, PHED 6219 This rule change will not affect your graduation but you cannot become a certified educator with the state of Georgia until you receive the grade of B or higher in this course.
UTCH 4485 Student Teaching 9
UTCH 4795 Student Teaching Seminar (minimum grade of C) 1
 Credit Hours12
 Total Credit Hours123

MATH 1111 College Algebra has 3 credits that will count in General Electives.


MATH 1113 Pre-Calculus has 4 credits. Count 3 credits in Mathematics and Quantitative Skills and 1 credit in Field of Study.


ITDS 2125 Historical Perspectives on the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics is recommended as a Humanities class in the area of Arts, Humanities, and Ethics. If not taken for Arts, Humanities and Ethics, it can be taken for Program Requirements.

Suggested four year  course schedule with MATH 1113 Pre-Calculus or higher.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FallCredit Hours
Institutional Priorities ITDS 1779 (2), LEAD 1705 (2), PERS 1506 (1; may be repeated with different topic), PERS 1507 (2) 1
Arts, Humanities, and EthicsFine Arts 3
BIOL 1107K Principles of Biology I (minimum grade of C) 4
BIOL 1715 Professionalism and Careers in Biology (recommended Area F Guided Elective; minimum grade of C) 1
CHEM 1211
Principles of Chemistry I
and Principles of Chemistry I Lab (minimum grade of C)
ENGL 1101 English Composition I (minimum grade of C) 3
 Credit Hours16
BIOL 1108K Principles of Biology II (minimum grade of C) 4
CHEM 1212
Principles of Chemistry II
and Principles of Chemistry II Lab (minimum grade of C)
ENGL 1102 English Composition II (minimum grade of C) 3
MATH 1113 Pre-Calculus (minimum grade of C) 1 4
 Credit Hours15
Second Year
BIOL 2206K Organismic Biology I (minimum grade of C) 4
Institutional PrioritiesCOMM 1110 Public Speaking or foreign language 1001, 1002, 2001, 2002. (Recommend FL 1001 for BA Biology Sec Ed majors) 3
ITDS 2125 Historical Perspectives on the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics (minimum grade of C) (a Humanities course from the list under Arts, Humanities, and Ethics) 2 3
KINS 1106
Lifetime Wellness
or Concepts of Fitness
STAT 1401 Elementary Statistics (minimum grade of C) 3
UTCH 1201 Step I: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching (minimum grade of C) 1
 Credit Hours16
BIOL 2207K Organismic Biology II (minimum grade of C) 4
BIOL 3216K Genetics (minimum grade of C) 4
Arts, Humanities, and EthicsHumanities 2 3
Program RequirementsForeign Language 1002 (minimum grade of C) 3
Health and WellnessPEDS Activity 1
UTCH 1202 Step II: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design (minimum grade of C) 1
 Credit Hours16
Third Year
AREA IElective 3
BIOL 3215K Cell Biology (minimum grade of C) 4
AREA GForeign Language 2001 (minimum grade of C) 3
UTCH 2105 Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science (minimum grade of C) 3
UTCH 3215 Research Methods (minimum grade of C) 3
 Credit Hours16
Social StudiesBehavioral Science 3
Social StudiesWorld Culture 3
Program ElectivesBIOL Cell/Molecular Senior Elective (minimum grade of C) 4
BIOL 3217K Ecology 4
UTCH 3205 Classroom Interactions (minimum grade of C) 3
 Credit Hours17
Fourth Year
BIOL 4795 Capstone Senior Seminar (minimum grade of C) 2
Program ElectivesBIOL Ecology/Evolution Senior Elective (minimum grade of C) 4
HIST 2111
U. S. History to 1865
or U. S. History since 1865
POLS 1101 American Government 3
UTCH 4205 Inquiry-Based Instruction (minimum grade of C) 3
 Credit Hours15
SPED 4115 Teaching Math and Science to Exceptional Learners (minimum grade of B; see note below) 2
There is a recent rule change for certification from the GaPSC. As of July 1, 2019, students must make a B or higher in the Exceptional Children's course. The course could be any of the following depending on your major: SPED 2256, EDCI 6228, KINS 4245, SPED 4115, PHED 6219 This rule change will not affect your graduation but you cannot become a certified educator with the state of Georgia until you receive the grade of B or higher in this course.
UTCH 4485 Student Teaching 9
UTCH 4795 Student Teaching Seminar (minimum grade of C) 1
 Credit Hours12
 Total Credit Hours123

MATH 1113 Pre-Calculus has 4 credits. Count 3 credits in Mathematics and Quantitative Skills and 1 credit in Field of Study.


ITDS 2125 Historical Perspectives on the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics is recommended as a Humanities class in the area Arts, Humanities and Ethics. If not taken for Arts, Humanities and Ethics, it can be taken for Program Requirements.

Admission Requirements

In order to declare a major in biology, a student is required to have an overall GPA of 2.5. During the sophomore year, students intending to complete a teacher education program make formal application to the teacher education program. Normally, this occurs after the student has completed three semesters of full-time course work. Application is made to the COEHP Office of Student Advising and Field Experiences. For a list of current admission requirements, go to

Additional Program Requirements

Students must receive a grade of "C" or better for all classes in Areas D, F, G, and H. Classes with grades lower than a "C" cannot be used to satisfy prerequisite requirements for courses required in the major. To complete a degree in biology, students must obtain a minimum overall grade point average of 2.0 in all science courses applied to graduation. For teacher certification, students must obtain a minimum overall and CSU grade point average of 2.5. Prior to the student teaching semester, students must meet all requirements for admission to Student Teaching. For a list of current requirements, go to

To be recommended for teacher certification, students must pass the GACE Biology Test I and Test II (for additional information on the GACE, go to