Secondary Education (EdS)

Program of Study

Professional Core (15 hours)15
EDCI 7111Specialist Portfolio Orientation1
EDCI 7112Specialist Portfolio Midpoint Review1
EDCI 7013Specialist Portfolio Exit0
EDUF 7115Psychology of Teaching3
EDTL 6156Developing Teacher Leaders3
EDCI 7121Integrating Multicultural Approaches into Project-based Instruction2
EDSE 7154Understanding and Applying Research in Middle and Secondary Education3
SPED 7155Advanced Classroom Collaboration in Education2
Select one of the following concentrations:
English Concentration
EDSE 7155Reading Research in the Discipline3
EDCI 7115K-12 Curriculum Studies: English Language Arts3
An ENGL course or EDCI 6118, or EDSE 6115 as approved by the advisor.
Mathematics Concentration
EDSE 7155Reading Research in the Discipline3
EDCI 7125Curriculum Studies: Mathematics Education3
Math Education courses (EDSE, EDMG, EDCI) or MATH courses as approved by the advisor.
Science Concentration
EDSE 7155Reading Research in the Discipline3
EDSE 7135Curriculum Studies in Secondary Science Education3
ATSC, BIOL, CHEM, GEO, ENVSL courses as approved by the advisor.
Social Science Concentration
EDSE 7155Reading Research in the Discipline3
EDSE 7145Curriculum Studies in Social Science Education3
HIST, POLS, ECON, SOCI, PSYC courses as approved by the advisor
Electives (6-9 hours)6-9
All electives must be approved by the advisor prior to registration.
Courses in the concentration area as approved by the advisor: ENGL courses (for English), MATH courses (for math); ATSC, BIOL, CHEM, GEOL, or ENVS courses (for science); HIST, POLS, ECON, PSYC, or SOCI courses (for Social Science).
SPED 7115Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in School Settings3
EDCI 6118Teaching Composition in Grades 4-123
EDUL 6129Supervision of the Learning Environment3
EDUL 6128Instructional Strategies for Student Success3
EDTL 6157Assessment to Improve Teaching and Learning3
EDTL 6159Differentiating Instruction in the Content Areas3
EDTL 6685Teacher Leadership Internship I3
EDTL 6686Teacher Leadership Internship II3
EDTL 6158Reading and Writing in the Content Areas3
CPSC 6103Computer Science Principles for Teachers3
CPSC 6105Fundamental Principles of Computer Science3
CPSC 6106Fundamentals of Computer Programming and Data Structures3
EDUT 6245Methods of Teaching Computer Science with Lab3
Electives Total 6-9 hours.
Additional course options for Mathematics and Science Education Concentration Areas:
EDUC 6231Integrated Curricular Design and Equity-Focused P-12 STEM Education4
EDUC 6232Technology & Application with Problem Based Learning in P-12 STEM Classrooms4
EDUC 6233Community-Based P-12 STEM Education4
Candidates completing EDUF 6117, EDUL 6129, EDTL 6156, EDTL 6157, EDTL 6601, EDTL 6602, and EDTL 6603; and passing the GACE examination in Teacher Leadership will be eligible for the Teacher Leadership Endorsement.
Candidates completing CPSC 6103, CPSC 6105, CPSC 6106, and EDUT 6245, will be eligible for the P-12 Computer Science Endorsement.
Candidates completing EDUC 6231, EDUC 6232, and EDUC 6233 will be eligible for the P-12 STEM Teaching Endorsement.
Total Hours 30-33

Admission Requirements

  • GPA of at least 3.0 on all graduate course work at an accredited United States institution in fulfillment of the requirements for a graduate degree
  • A Level Five (5) or a master's level teaching certificate or eligibility for such certificate in secondary education
  • The successful applicant must not have a criminal record or discharge from the armed services that would prevent recommendation for related teacher certifications
  • Minimum two years of teaching experience while holding a valid teaching certificate

Additional Program Requirements

  • Students must earn a 3.0 GPA calculated on all graduate work attempted. "Academic Forgiveness" policy does not apply to graduate studies.
  • A maximum of one course (not to exceed four semester credit hours) with a grade of "C" may apply to a specialist degree in education.
  • A minimum of 24 semester hours required for the degree must be earned in residence (75%). Asynchronous (online) and distance learning courses administered through Columbus State University constitute courses taken in residence.
  • A maximum of six (6) semester hours of transfer credit or courses taken at CSU prior to full admission to a specialist degree program may be applied toward the degree. Courses with earned grades of "C" or below are not accepted. Courses must be approved by the major advisor and department chair.
  • Students must complete a research project.
  • An active Tk20 account is a required resource for this program because selected assignments must be submitted electronically using this online platform. Tk20 ( is used by the university to maintain our accreditation, to demonstrate the quality of our academic programs, and to improve teaching and learning.
  • Students must be continuously enrolled in specialist project hours until completion of the specialist project.