Arts Education (MAT)

Program of Study

Education Core
EDCI 6228Foundations of Education - Special Education3
EDUC 5140GFoundations of Reading, Literacy, and Language3
EDUF 6125Classroom Management2
EDCI 6698Teaching Internship4
Education Core Total12
Art Education Track
ARTE 5215GFoundations in Art Education3
ARTE 5216GArt Education: Curriculum and Classroom Strategies3
ARTE 5698GService Learning Internship1
ARTE 6185Concepts in Art Education3
ARTE 6187Curriculum in Art Education3
ARTE 6999Thesis/Exhibit Research (2)2
ARTE 7000Graduate Exhibition0
Choose one of the following:3
Graduate Problem: Art Education
Research and Seminar in Art History
Graduate Problem: Studio
Art Education Track Total18
Theatre Education Track
THEA 5205GAdvanced Creative Dramatics3
THEA 6105Advanced Children's Theatre3
THEA 6106Introduction to Graduate Research2
THEA 6108Trends and Strategies in Theatre Education3
THEA 5575GSelected Topics in Theatre Arts1
THEA 6000Exit Exam0
Choose two of the following 3 credit hour courses:6
Musical Theatre History
Advanced Acting
Advanced Directing
Graduate History & Literature of the Theatre
Theatre History/Literature 4: Contemporary Topics in Theatre History
Topics in Design
Theatre Education Track Total18
Total Credit Hours30

Admission Requirements

MAT Arts Ed - Theatre Ed 
  • A Bachelor’s degree in theatre or a closely related field or a minimum of 15 semester hours of upper level coursework in theatre 

  • Minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 (regular admission) or 2.50 (provisional admission) on all undergraduate work at an accredited institution in fulfillment of the requirements for a baccalaureate degree. 

MAT Arts Ed- Art Education 
  • A Bachelor’s degree in art or a closely related field or a minimum of 15 semester hours of upper level coursework in theatre 

  • Minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 (regular admission) or 2.50 (provisional admission) on all undergraduate work at an accredited institution in fulfillment of the requirements for a baccalaureate degree.

  • GACE Content Test