Latin American Studies (Undergraduate Certificate)

Program of Study

Required Courses
Select 6 hours of Spanish or French at the 3000 level 16
ITDS 21073
or SPAN 3175 Contemporary Approaches to Cultures of Latin America
Elective Courses
Select three elective courses9
Total Credit Hours18

Or demonstration of proficiency above the intermediate level in Spanish, French, Portuguese, Haitian Creole or Quechua.


ANTH 5515USelected Topics in Anthropology3
ANTH 5555USelected Topics in Archaeology3
ARTH 3555Selected Topics in Art History3
BUSA 3135International Business3
COMM 4555Selected Topics in Communication3
ECON 3165Global Economic Issues3
HIST 3135Introduction to Latin American History3
HIST 3137Latin America and the United States3
HIST 5535USelected Topics in Latin American History3
ITDS 1156Understanding Non-Western Cultures3
ITDS 21073
MGMT 4116International Management3
POLS 3555Selected Topics In Political Science3
SPAN 2002Intermediate Spanish II3
SPAN 3150Spanish Conversation3
SPAN 3160Grammar and Composition3
SPAN 3170Contemporary Approaches to Identities and Cultures of Spain3
SPAN 3175Contemporary Approaches to Cultures of Latin America3
SPAN 4120Perspectives on Mexico: Works and Experiences of Selected Mexican Women3
SPAN 4555Selected Topics in Spanish3

Students must complete 30 semester hours of credit at a four-year institution or 15 semester hours at a two-year institution, and ITDS 2107 or SPAN 3175 Contemporary Approaches to Cultures of Latin America before applying to enroll in the certificate program. Additional courses can be applied toward the Certificate if they have a minimum of 25% Latin American content. All coursework for the Certificate must be approved by the certificate coordinator or the Director of the Center for International Education. The Certificate in Latin American Studies must be taken in conjunction with a baccalaureate degree program. For more information, contact the Center for International Education.